GOCARDSGO32: Thanks for the responses. I don't mean to attack what anyone's doing, if you want to buy, and you like buying, and having a bunch of games doesn't bother you in the slightest, then go for it!
Others have mentioned finances, and while that's a part of it, its just a small part.The money matters to me, but even moreso is the fact that it just clutters things up for me. Maybe it's just a little bit of OCD kicking in, but I can't stand having things that I don't use cluttering things I want to use.
It's like that PS2 collector with all those games. If I was hanging out with that guy and could play any game from that huge library, I wouldn't care about any. It would be too overwhelming to me. Give me one random PS2 game though, and I could probably play the hell out of it.
If some people are comfortable with having everything in front of them and can sort thru it and it's something useful or entertaining to them, by all means, go for it. For me though, it really has wore me down over time to have so much useless clutter I don't want to sort thru to get to the good things, is basically what I'm getting at.
Well, in terms of clutter...
I got several shelves that holds the games I purchased physically since I was 14, in part thanks to the latest trend of selling the game DVDs in mini-boxed set containers and games spanning multiple CDs prior to DVDs.
Then, I got 2 drawers filled with game manuals.
And then, I have an entire closet filled with old game boxes (from back in the day when they where all games were sold in big boxes).
I couldn't have kept this up for much longer. I welcome the 'clutter' of virtual games :).
I think abusive consumerism might be a more defensible point, especially if you go across several digital distributors and combine it with abusive consumerism in other areas.