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I just saw a commercial on tv (I was watching tv live, normally I DVR everything & skip commercials) that Avatar is being re-released in theaters already because of newly added footage.
Now I never saw the movie the first time, nor do I have a desire to see it. I kinda know what its about (and what some say it represents), but that's neither here nor there. My "true neutral" problem is that it was "the highest-grossing movie ever"...and now they're trying to rope all the Avatar-fanatics into paying to see it in theaters again, just 9 months after its initial release, because of "added bonus footage."
Really? Do they realize what today's US economy is like? (Admittedly, I know little of the rest of the world's economy, but I can't imagine its good.) Do they realize what it costs for a family of, say, four to go to the movies? You've got the tickets, and if you have kids then OF COURSE you have buy them popcorn & soda...all of which is overpriced, and costs a good $50-$75.
Naturally, the simple answer is to say "F.U." to 20th Century Fox & simply not go. Be smart, save your money on a movie you already saw. And if you're really that big of a fanatic for the movie, what for it to come out on DVD/Blu-Ray & spend $15-$30 instead of $50-$ you'll have a hard copy for as long as you live. Or, be even smarter, and just borrow it from your local library, because really, how often are you really gonna watch the thing that you absolutely MUST have it sitting on your shelf "just in case" you get the overwhelming desire to watch it "this very minute."
I suppose I'm most aggravated that 20th Century Fox can't just be content with being #1, and that people can't see beyond their own noses and WILL go out & feed the monster...while the rich get richer & the poor get poorer because the "average joe" can't say no to his kids, or can't control his own "must-see" urges.
Forgive my rant, but take time to truly consider what I've said. We feed the monster, and it feeds us.
This question / problem has been solved by Aliasalphaimage
BoxOfSnoo: Besides, I'm waiting for TRON :)

Having seen Avatar, I'd say that is a sensible choice. Don't get me wrong, I liked Avatar, but if I had a choice between the new Tron movie and Avatar when it originally came out... that's a no-brainer, Tron all the way. Avatar as a movie was decent DVD rental at best and even then you might regret it because of the lack of 3D.
alexisgondor: Avatar has lovely visuals, but the story is ripped straight from Ferngully, with cat people replacing fairies and space marines replacing Tim Curry

Actually, it was ripped from a number of stories, just a Ferngully was. You can find the same exact premise in several different books and films, most notably Last of the Mohicans and Dances With Wolves.
Post edited August 24, 2010 by cogadh
alexisgondor: Avatar has lovely visuals, but the story is ripped straight from Ferngully, with cat people replacing fairies and space marines replacing Tim Curry
cogadh: Actually, it was ripped from a number of stories, just a Ferngully was. You can find the same exact premise in several different books and films, most notably Last of the Mohicans and Dances With Wolves.

Yeah I know, I just chose Ferngully because it's the most fun to compare a SRSFACE Sci-fi movie to.
I hear it's about 9 minutes of extra footage.
People will go and see this again... for NINE MINUTES EXTRA FOOTAGE.
I wish I'd never bothered to see it really, even the 3D and special effects got dull after a while.
If they re-released Inception (A film I thought was exceptionally good) with nine minutes of extra footage I still wouldn't bother seeing it again in the cinema... that's what I buy DVD's for (or Blu-ray these days I suppose).
The answer you seek is Canada.
When in doubt always blame Canada.
ChaunceyK: Now I never saw the movie the first time, nor do I have a desire to see it.
Cambrey: WHAT !?!

I saw it, and I regretted the nearly 3h I've spent watching it. Pocahontas in the land of alien smurfs, no thank you. 15 minutes into the movie I had already guessed right the outcome. Okay, it's visually "wow !!" but that's all. And that's not enough to make a movie, for me.
Plus, frankly, who can truly believe in the ending? That humans won't come back with a full military spatial fleet and burn down to the ground the entire planet with a good old orbital bombing? When everything will be turned in ashes, the minerals would still be there. [/spoiler]
I'm so happy I waited to buy the Blu-Ray :D
If a poor person can't be disciplined enough to say no to this re-release, or just can't say no to their kids' demands for overpriced superfluous popcorn and soda, then screw them. They deserve to be poor.
You're acting like the returning movie goers are helpless victims
Post edited August 24, 2010 by CaptainGyro
xa_chan: I saw it, and I regretted the nearly 3h I've spent watching it.

I haven't seen the movie either, heh. I was just being sarcastic. That was a personal allusion to the reaction of some people I know. Some of them seemed really affected by the fact that I didn't care about the movie (note that I never told them that the movie was a piece of shit, I'm just not interested in that kind of movie, that's all). I had to fucking justify myself on why I didn't want to go see the movie.
Post edited August 24, 2010 by Cambrey
xa_chan: [spoiler]
Plus, frankly, who can truly believe in the ending? That humans won't come back with a full military spatial fleet and burn down to the ground the entire planet with a good old orbital bombing? When everything will be turned in ashes, the minerals would still be there. [/spoiler]

Because it wasn't the military that was there in the first place, it was just a private company (like a futuristic Blackwater or Haliburton) and what they were doing was already somewhat less than legal. When a private company takes a loss like that, they don't throw more money at it or risk the publicity, they cut and run for something that is still profitable with less hassle.
Besides, Cameron has like two more sequels planned, I'm sure at least one of them will involve some kind of return to Pandora.
Navagon: The answer you seek is Canada.
When in doubt always blame Canada.

Well, our economy is bouncing back faster than a lot of the world's other economic powers so watching an enjoyably film again isn't exactly unreasonable here...
That said, I won't be watching it again, it was okay, but I think this is more aimed at the people who couldn't see it the first time, same as the Nintendo DSi is more for people who didn't already buy a DS.
Orryyrro: Well, our economy is bouncing back faster than a lot of the world's other economic powers so watching an enjoyably film again isn't exactly unreasonable here...

Yes, exactly. Clearly the global recession has been a huge advantage to you Canadians! I don't need any more evidence for my crackpot conspiracy theories than that.
Oh Canada, what a great hat you are to us!
Cinemas are a ridiculous waste of money. Here in Australia you pay $12 to see a movie, $10 for a large popcorn and frozen Coke, then sit down in cheap seats only to get bombarded with TV advertising for 10 minutes before the movie actually starts. Cinemas make a fortune off of us suckers. The tickets are one third what it costs to buy a film on DVD and twice what it costs to just rent it. Food costs twice as much, and they make a fortune off of advertising to us too.
And yet... there's something compelling about seeing a new release on a really, really big screen.
xa_chan: Plus, frankly, who can truly believe in the ending?

You do realize that's it meant to be part 1 of (at least) a trilogy right?
xa_chan: Plus, frankly, who can truly believe in the ending?
bansama: You do realize that's it meant to be part 1 of (at least) a trilogy right?

Just like StarCraft 2!