Posted December 16, 2009
You still might, even if it's a penis metaphor ;-)
Hmm, this may simply reflect my ignorance of the current situation in Australia, but bear with me. One thing you could do is to try to drum up a group of like-minded individuals, preferably people working in the IT industry. If you could have a large group of IT professionals simultaneously announce their intentions to leave the country, you'd certainly have a good shot at getting the attention of the media.
Imagine what an article like this might accomplish:
Today, a significant number of Australian IT professionals from the movement Digitize Australia publically announced their intentions to leave the country in the near future. The movement has been gathering momentum lately, due to the increasingly strict censorship legislation regarding video games and the internet.
A spokesperson for the movement says "We can't let this slide anymore. We were hoping that someone in power would eventually come to their senses and realize that these policies are not consistent with the modern times we live in, but it appears that this is not going to happen anytime soon. As such, we are forced to either give up our lifestyle, or move elsewhere. Australia is becoming an increasingly backward country, and that is no place for a modern IT professional to make a career."
Economic experts predict that any significant loss of qualified IT workers will plunge Australia deeper into the current recession. "Basically, the Australian IT industry will be left behind by the rest of the developed countries. If we are to maintain a competitive edge over foreign companies, we need every qualified IT professional we can get. Any loss in the qualified work force will have potentially huge detrimental effects to our economy."
A government official today refused to comment on this latest development in the censorship debacle.