Ralackk: I hope they sell the diamond edition, I can't get that over in the UK, only the official expansions and not the couple fan made extra ones. Well at least not all in one bundle.
Have all of the Neverwinter Nights expansions myself. So, I'm not too bothered about getting the other modules. However, what I'm really hoping for is Neverwinter Nights 2 sometime down the road. I have the base game, but I don't have Storm of Zehir or Mask of the Betrayer. Storm of zehir I can get I think for around £15, but Mask is either hard to get or very costly.
Like, looking on Game's website, it's out of stock and has been for quite some time.
It's a shame really regarding all of the things I've heard about it being difficult to acquire the rights to sell the games. Mask is supposed to be a rather good game as well.