JubalHarshaw: I hope you manage to make master of orion 3 work on seven, vista and xp. But be aware, it seems to work, but when you play it for real, a lot of nasty bugs appears, mainly in the planet tab (where you administrate the planet, build starships and upgrade the facilities, etc) that some of the windows take a lot of time to appear or just not appear. And the worst of them, in the planet list, when you have so many planets there, it just crashes the game to the desktop with a DirectX error.
Even the last version released by gamersgate have these bugs on the three OSs I listed above.
The Directx surface error for Moo3 isn't a windows 7 problem. It's been an issue from it's inception dating back to '03. I've got it running on windows 7 without any issues, but the error will rear it's ugly head depending on your configuration. Also, I'd only recomend bringing Moo3 to Gog if there is a sticky in the forums her that PROMINENTLY links to the "Tropical Mod" over at Atari's forums, or possible mirror the mod over here. Moo3 just isn't worth playing without the last 7 years of fan modifications. The "Tropical Mod" is the best of the overhaul mods.
lukaszthegreat: Master of Orion 2
who is up for a game when it is released!!?
Definitely! Hope they release the DOS version though. It'll be easier for GoG to get this one running on all systems and it has much better multilayer support from the un-official patches that are out.
EBM: Master of Orion 2 does have multiplayer, up to eight players.
Looking forward to seeing the Atari catalog expanding over time. Lots of great games in their vault.
PincushionMan: If I recall correctly (and I might not anymore), the multiplayer in MoO2 was over IPX and not by IP, which seemed to have numerous problems when I last tried it in XP. Plus, if your partner starts crafting warships, turns can take a looong time. So yeah, it works, kinda.
Multi-player works with the DOS version using the un-offical 1.40 patch from
Never tried it though.