reaver894: Dont get me wrong i know blue on blue happens. It shouldnt but it does. And i agree with orcish it is liked about and covered up. Just more so by some counties than others. And no im not pointing fingers, all countries do it. I only raised it cause i thought it was worthy of mentioning.(that and its unusual for any country to straight away admit it)
I think it was the Pakistani ambassador that appeared on the John Stewart show. He had some really interesting things to say about the military over there. The government pays their military way less than Al Qaeda pays, people who have no education, no job, no food, no land that can grow food, and no hope of attracting or providing for a wife are really hard to attract to the military when the other guy is paying better. Most people don't have much of a sense of national pride or anything, in their eyes they're getting paid to hold and gun and maybe get shot at either way, one just pays a lot more.