enterprise2004: Air Tactics was better in my opinion. It looked better, and the action wasn't quite as hectic.
ovoon: Agreed, but Air Attack 2 was really good. Me and my sister would play the co-op on the same keyboard all day. Such good memories.
I would make my sister do co-op with Air Attack and Sarge's Heroes. I wonder whatever happened to designing games with 1 keyboard coop?
Daedalus1138: I would play with plastic army men all the time, and when I found out there was a video game series with plastic army men, and I told my parents about the games. My parents loved the idea of the series, so that Christmas I got pack 1 with 1, 2, Toys in Space, and Air Tactics, then the following Christmas I got the pack with Sarge's Heroes, Air Attack, and World at War.
It's really sad that this franchise is dead through poor choices made by game developers.