Stealing and killing are two VERY different things, and trying to say that the punishment for both should be the same is ridiculous and radical. You were the one that lumped them together, not I.
Never said it was a utopia at all, a utopia would be the complete removal of both the drugs/alcohol and the desire for them (but that's a WHOLE different issue).
What I'm saying is that the people that want drugs legalized and use them need to also be ultimately responsible for how they use them. Like I said before, you want to use them in a way that doesn't endanger anyone else at all, go right ahead, I'll defend your right to do so until the bitter end. But the moment you endanger someone else, that's where your rights end. “Your right to swing your fist stops where my face begins.”
As for never having to deal with someone with a substance abuse problem? You'd be wrong there. I've had to deal with family members that had severe drinking problems, I also had to deal with someone I loved showing up at the front door sobbing on the ground because she was so strung out on coke that she couldn't manage to use her key to unlock the door. So for your information, yes, I've seen both sides, and I still stand firm in my belief on the punishment.
I'm not saying we should execute people because we need the room, I'm saying we should execute those that are putting people at a VERY high state of risk, and some would say even attempting to kill others. Can you tell me of a single reason why someone would NEED to drive while drunk or high? You have the munchies? Fine, have a pizza delivered. It's a medical emergency? That's what 911 and ambulances are for. There's never a suitable reason for someone to drive while impaired like that.
Oh and just to head off another argument you're bound to have, yes I think the right to drive in general is given out too freely. People should be required to take a driving test every year or at least every two years in order to continue to have a license. Too many people out there don't know how to drive, or no longer possess the physical capabilities to do so.