I have a feeling E.T. would be fucked in my game too:
http://penny-arcade.com/comic/2012/10/12 If I'd moved my sniper that turn he's get a plasma pistol to the face... unless I was planning to arc gun his ass, bring him back to my base, and torture information out of the bastard.
Yeah, so far, great game, I can see SimonG is still a solid day or two ahead of me, though.
My A-List squad, now that they're pimped the hell out, can bring down a small army of charging aliens. Three of them have psi powers, only one with psi isn't at max-psi rank, everyone is at max military rank (or whatever it's called), and they're all walking around with plasma weapons (and a few lasers by choice, though I didn't see any Sectopod resistance to plasma either).
I do have a backup, second sniper, but I really don't find him necessary for any mission. I have a hard time wanting to equip anything but the armor with the grappling hooks on most missions though. Reaching high ground fast is extremely useful.