CaveSoundMaster: That being said, of course the discussion's weak point is in agreeing how to define business itself. We should refrain from making business into pure evil, as well as a rule of all reality.
There's been a cultural shift in the US in the last couple of decades in that people expect that "maximizing profit" is a corporation's only reason for existing and they are somehow violating their charter should they fail to do so for their stakeholders (which is actually generally very untrue). This has been used as the justification for very sick and fucked up practices. The odd thing is, this misunderstanding is relatively new, no one believed that back in the 80s, for example, despite it being a decade of crazy commercialism. At any rate, you may have a very hard time discussing "business" with most Americans these days, the attitudes are very odd, and that's putting a nice face on it.
Well, let me give you an example. Where I come from everyone smokes pot. Really, from the "losers" of society that folks generally associate with drugs right up to the professionals and small business owners (many earning 6-7 figures per year). No one really "cares" and drug tests are only administered by big businesses that must comply with regulations. Now everyone does care about some drugs, Meth has been a pretty big problem around here and is generally pretty destructive. I actually don't smoke pot because I'm one of those rare (most would say unlucky) folks for who it doesn't do anything. Out my workplace, I'm in the vast minority.
Now, you go to someplace like Oslo (and this is second hand information, so forgive me if I'm painting this picture poorly). They have very progressive and tolerant attitudes about tons of things, even better than where I live (which is considered in the top 5, maybe even the top, most tolerant cities of the US). But holy crap! They actually have a backwards weird thing about pot (at least there they just force you into treatment, not throw you into prison like most of the US - excluding the few states that have decriminalized possession and use of smaller quantities).
So while I generally like the ethics far better in some other parts of the world, every region, to me at least, seems to have at least a weird hangup or two.