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Now, I am not certain if there's a thread for this, but at least the search function didn't find any.

Anyway, AO* games. Would you buy them if they were sold in GOG ? What if they'd have their own section? I'm sure there would be some legal issues concerning some countries (hypocrite bastards, all of them), but let's ignore that for a moment.

I would buy them, I'd even be a regular in that section, that's for sure. There are lots and lots of games where you can disembowel people, so why not allow these too?

Do share your thoughts.

*Adult Only (games with sexual content, at least. I dunno if extreme violence games fit in that category too)
Porn games - nope, not my cup of tea. But I don't mind them being here - just don't enjoy this kind of games.
Good horror with mature themes - I'm all in for this kind of entertainment.
Isn't LSL AO?
And can we ease up on the initials? :P
tinyE: Isn't LSL AO?
And can we ease up on the initials? :P
I don't think Ser Larry classifies even as a mature rated game...
as stated earlier: Porn games aren't my cup of tea

extremely gorey AO games though, I'm all up for that

I want the AO exclusive PC version of Manhunt2 here on GOG
If any proper games of that kind existed I might buy them, but I doubt that they do.
Roman5: as stated earlier: Porn games aren't my cup of tea

extremely gorey AO games though, I'm all up for that

I want the AO exclusive PC version of Manhunt2 here on GOG
I'm curious, now. Why are extremely gory games better for you than sexual games?
Mmmmh ... very probably nope, because I have an interest in gameplay/story/aesthetics aspect only, and AO games "generally" rely on something else to get into the light.

Afterthought : finiding that kind of things on gog would be very bad in my opinion.
Post edited October 10, 2013 by Potzato
My first thought was AO meant Anarchy Online. Then I realized that would be hard to release completely DRM free.
Forgive my ignorance but I'm having a rough time with this one. Can anyone give me some examples? I myself draw the line when it comes to snuff films which I've never heard of a game going that far so it's a moot point. As far as sex I have a little trouble thinking of cartoon/video characters screwing as pornographic. If you drew a picture of Porky and Daisy banging away it might be considered bad taste but I don't think you could classify it as hardcore pornography. The same goes for some characters from FF or maybe even Paul and Lance from Ikari Warriors showing their true love for each other.
tinyE: Forgive my ignorance but I'm having a rough time with this one. Can anyone give me some examples? I myself draw the line when it comes to snuff films which I've never heard of a game going that far so it's a moot point. As far as sex I have a little trouble thinking of cartoon/video characters screwing as pornographic. If you drew a picture of Porky and Daisy banging away it might be considered bad taste but I don't think you could classify it as hardcore pornography. The same goes for some characters from FF or maybe even Paul and Lance from Ikari Warriors showing their true love for each other.
Not the best example, but look at the game called "Seduce Me". It was banned and thrown out from Steam Greenlight.
tinyE: Isn't LSL AO?
And can we ease up on the initials? :P
KneeTheCap: I don't think Ser Larry classifies even as a mature rated game...
Have you ever played one? LSL is in fact Rated M (Mature) and most come with a 16+ or 18+ rating. The older LSL's, you know, like LSL1, 2, etc... were extremely raunchy for their day and age. (NO COMMENTS ON AGE ALLOWED)
I dont think GOG would be allowed to sell AO games due to regional laws and all that jazz,

It wont ever happen IMO so not worth thinking about further
KneeTheCap: I don't think Ser Larry classifies even as a mature rated game...
dragonsreach: Have you ever played one? LSL is in fact Rated M (Mature) and most come with a 16+ or 18+ rating. The older LSL's, you know, like LSL1, 2, etc... were extremely raunchy for their day and age. (NO COMMENTS ON AGE ALLOWED)
Yeah I have them all, and I cherish them, even the school one which isn't really a LSL game.

And thanks Knee, I'll check it out.

I want to stress this is just more curiosity on my part than anything else. Personally I think no amount if "Adult Content" can save a shit game and in turn no amount can ruin a great game. If the game is fun, looks good, and plays good then let it have people putting babies on spikes for all I care, it's a game I'll purchase and play.
Fahrenheit is an "AO" game in the States. The version sold in the States is called "Indigo Prophecy" and is heavily cut. So, GOG already sells "AO" games.

It's important to remember what's "Adult Only" for Europe is not the same as "Adult Only" for the US.
Post edited October 10, 2013 by CymTyr