F4LL0UT: Yeah, no doubt. But frankly even Starlancer had worse dogfights than the Wing Commander and X-Wing/Tie-Fighter games IMHO. I may be wrong but IIRC the only challenging situations in Starlancer were assaults on capital ships or something. I don't recall getting frustrated from fighting... fighters, while already in the first Wing Commander game a squadron of heavy fighters, especially accompanied by an ace, would often tear me apart.
You are right. Fights there were quite easy. It got better on hard with trying best possible outcome but still they were usually obstacle when you were trying to accomplish the true objective.
What I found hardest was protecting own motherships against torpedos. The bombers always spawned on the other side of "battlefield" then I was, I had to race back burning all fuel and still some of them slipped through or when I already got most of them, I run straight into the last one in attempt to quickly stop it. :-)
Fighters got defeated eventually by your squaddies even if you were totaly incompetent but torpedos and bombers were only up to player to destroy.
Fever_Discordia: For great flying games locked away in MS's vaults see also: "Crimson Skies" (although that one also has a bunch of technical niggles with getting it to run on modern systems, admittedly)
Bah, I never played that one but when I saw it in mags it always looked so cool.
I don't need Starlancer but this I would really like to appear here.
F4LL0UT: Fun fact about Starlancer, btw: in the German version ALL characters speak with a ridiculous fake accent. While in most games "your guys" talk without any accent (whether they are Americans of Brits) the people doing the localization of Starlancer thought that it would be clever to make all the good guys talk with a completely ridiculous American accent. Never before or ever since have I felt so alienated in a game, especially among my allies.
What about Kurt Steiner and his German squadron? Did they speak normal german?