Aliasalpha: My birthday is in 2 months and
this is the present I have my heart set on. That'll show up those poser dicks at uni with shiny new cars
This is what I want for my birthday: PS, as I write this, I am deathly sick....this morning, while watching a film, I started shivering uncontrollably.
I was about as severely sick as I ever have been for one day (I had swine flu before, which was worse because it lasted a week), so I just want to tell everyone how much I love coming to this site, and the community.
This isn't a sappy aology for anything I did, I stand by all of it, but when you are drifting in and our of coherence, and you are afraid to go to sleep out of fear of never waking again, you really appreciate what you have once you come up out of it.