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johnki: I've been skeptical about every Halo release since Halo 3. Especially after ODST kinda...well, didn't really deliver on the promises it made. And dear god was that game short.
Taleroth: ODST was worth it simply for lack of a flood level.
Don't see whats wrong with the flood.
Post edited September 12, 2012 by JCD-Bionicman
I tried the original Halo when it first came out and found it not only dead average, but utterly forgettable. Perhaps that's why it's dead for the PC - there are simply way better MP games to play?
Post edited September 12, 2012 by FraterPerdurabo
JCD-Bionicman: Guess noone here cares about Halo...
Come on, you waited like 15 minutes after posting your original message, before saying that.

Having said that, my knowledge of Halo series ends to Halo 2. Apparently that is not enough because I was mostly quite lost what you were referring to in the first message.
Post edited September 12, 2012 by timppu
jamyskis: To be honest, Halo died on the PC when Microsoft decided to use it to try and force gamers onto Vista by making Halo 2 Vista-exclusive, and unnecessarily so. It flopped massively in terms of sales, and that was the end of that.
Lol, remember the "Mojave project"?
And let's not forget the xbox and it's red "ring of death". A product of their purposeful negligence in soldering a certain component in the kiddie box.
Good old Microsoft. Can't wait until someone can compete with the fuckers so they'll straighten their act.
Post edited September 12, 2012 by JCD-Bionicman
jamyskis: To be honest, Halo died on the PC when Microsoft decided to use it to try and force gamers onto Vista by making Halo 2 Vista-exclusive, and unnecessarily so. It flopped massively in terms of sales, and that was the end of that.
JCD-Bionicman: Lol, remember the "Mojave project"?
And let's not forget the xbox and it's red "ring of death". A product of their purposeful negligence in soldering a certain component in the kiddie box.
Good old Microsoft. Can't wait until someone can compete with the fuckers so they'll straighten their act.
Did this post come from 2007 or something? Red ring of death oh man, that's dusting off the cobwebs...
FraterPerdurabo: I tried the original Halo when it first came out and found it not only dead average, but utterly forgettable. Perhaps that's why it's dead for the PC - there are simply way better MP games to play?
Then why is Halo alive and kicking on the Xbox 360 when there are many other multiplayer games there? You know, COD, BF3, CS:GO, Team Fortress 2 have been released for Xbox 360 too. Actually, most games on PC are released on consoles too.

What you have said doesn't make any sense at all. Halo's multiplayer mode is on par with any other FPS out there. Heck, most FPSes (including COD) borrowed many elements from Halo 2 and 3.

Halo 2 on PC tanked hard because it was a fucking lame port. And on top of that, they made it Vista-exclusive when no one had Vista yet. If Microsoft hadn't shut down Live on Xbox, people would still be playing Halo 2 today.

Now, about the thread, i was kind of skeptical about Halo 4 at first simply because it's the first Halo not developed by Bungie (except for Halo Wars). But after looking at all the teasers and trailers i became really excited about it. My initial fears vanished. I think the series needed to change, and it looks like 343 is bringing many interesting new elements into Halo. From what i have seen, they're focusing more on story-telling then Bungie did. I liked that.
Post edited September 12, 2012 by Neobr10
im not... because i never had high hopes for Halo.

i played the first one and i hated it. when the third one came out, a co-worker bought it and offered to let me play it. having ignored ALL halo info from part one to part three, it had no hype to live up to. i got to play the game with a VERY open mind. and you know what, part 3 was awesome! loved the pacing and the music and the incredible situations Master Chief gets into and OUT of!

i went back and replayed them all in order ater that and consider myself a fan of the series.

so, my suggestion, as with all media, is to stay away from anything that forms prejudice and to allow yourself to make your own opinion.

though, i dont expect a person who refers to people who diagree with him as "inbred" and "fools" to have an open mind... i expect youll hate halo 4, regardless of anything else. sorry for you.
Post edited September 12, 2012 by SapienChavez
The only thing I'm worried about is the extraneous "Master Chief is sooooo awesome!" gushing I'm going to hear following its release. Certain parties very close to me are rather rabid fans :3
Neobr10: Halo 2 on PC tanked hard because it was a fucking lame port. And on top of that, they made it Vista-exclusive when no one had Vista yet. If Microsoft hadn't shut down Live on Xbox, people would still be playing Halo 2 today.
That brought back memories. Trying to play Halo 2 on Vista with the horrible ATI drivers that didn't work on Vista properly for like 6 months.

I loved Halo 1 on PC, I played the hell out of the multiplayer. Halo 3 was disappointing to me but I think i'm just sick of the whole series. Halo 4 isn't even on my radar.
I am actually finally interested again. I only liked the first. I hated the second, thought the third was mediocre, ODST was decent because it was different, Reach was boring.... I never understood the appeal of halo because game after game the sp sucked. I do not play mp so if it's only for the mp i will shut up now ;)
I still don't understand why Halo 2 is considered such a horrible PC port. At least to me it feels and looks superior to the original XBox version.

Is the problem mainly that PC had even better FPS games of its own, or is it the general hatred that it wasn't released for XP?

Sure it felt like a quite direct console-to-PC port (save game system, inability to fully customize the controls etc.), but I guess that was mainly a sign of things to come.
timppu: I still don't understand why Halo 2 is considered such a horrible PC port. At least to me it feels and looks superior to the original XBox version.

Is the problem mainly that PC had even better FPS games of its own, or is it the general hatred that it wasn't released for XP?

Sure it felt like a quite direct console-to-PC port (save game system, inability to fully customize the controls etc.), but I guess that was mainly a sign of things to come.
I for one didn't care for that. I just played it as a sequel to a game i really liked and i really really didn't like halo 2. I didn't like the story, i thought the game had even more copy past areas then the first, it felt that the series had taken a step backwards instead of forward,...
I don't understand the hype for Halo, mostly because there are better FPSs out there. Halo was entertaining and the sequels were OK, but I enjoyed the game play of Painkiller a whole lot more and having played a hideous number of games I didn't really see Halo doing anything unique or interesting from my perspective.

I understand the online play for XBOX was pretty much "made" by the Halo series and I know a lot of people who like it, but since I can't shoot for $#!^ with a console controller, it never really held my interest. I did buy Halo 3 and did the solo campaign, but since I'm really not an online FPS fan that aspect didn't hold my interest.

Graphically the new Halo looks interesting, but it's still the same boring color palette. That's why I'm more excited about Borderlands 2 (that and the fact that I'm an ARPG Loot Whore).
timppu: I still don't understand why Halo 2 is considered such a horrible PC port. At least to me it feels and looks superior to the original XBox version.

Is the problem mainly that PC had even better FPS games of its own, or is it the general hatred that it wasn't released for XP?

Sure it felt like a quite direct console-to-PC port (save game system, inability to fully customize the controls etc.), but I guess that was mainly a sign of things to come.
xxxIndyxxx: I for one didn't care for that. I just played it as a sequel to a game i really liked and i really really didn't like halo 2. I didn't like the story, i thought the game had even more copy past areas then the first, it felt that the series had taken a step backwards instead of forward,...
The thing I like most about Halo 2 was the cutscenes, the covenant characters were amazing actors

and personally for me the multiplayer was the best halo multiplayer
ThomasPierson: Graphically the new Halo looks interesting, but it's still the same boring color palette. That's why I'm more excited about Borderlands 2 (that and the fact that I'm an ARPG Loot Whore).
Well speaking of generic, the first Borderlands had lots of it. You'll lose your sanity playing the game alone, and playing online only slightly remedies the extreme tedium and generic of the gameplay which is fetch fetch fetch. Unless you do these retarded fetch quests you're always underpowered and it's not fun playing the game like that.

Also, giving you the benefit of the doubt, the Borderlands community is filled with rabid psychopathic ten year olds. I've never seen a worse community: