Posted September 12, 2012
Now don't get me wrong, Halo has always been one step away from COD, halo forge aside. However, the great, excellent semi silent Master Chief with his mysterious luck has always had me coming back. It's story on a smaller note, but since there is no mystery to be had about that anymore not so much.
In Halo 4 if I'm not mistaken they changed the voice actor. He also talks alot, saying things like "hostile sighted". Makes my skin crawl. There's nothing wrong with his personality becoming more fleshed out, but if he's going to talk there had better be a damned good reason.
Also the whole "AIs degrade after a small number of years" is a stupid plot element, and seems to be a driving one in this next game. It's just stupid and random, I don't know what possessed the people at 343 to come up with it. Cortana was already in peril at the hands of the gravemind, and was tortured. We already got to see Cortana's demonish side, and managed to rescue her on somewhat of a cliffhangar of whether she would be yet another casualty like Captain Keys. This is just a cheap rehash of an idea that worked well enough in the previous game.
Also, AIs degrade? After such a short amount of time? This far into the future? I mean it's 500 years into the future. By then we haven't found more reliable data storage methods that don't deteriorate like todays HDDs and SSDs? Okay, if you'll really have us believe that storage and processors are really so fragile in the future still, then how do you explain Cortana's otherwise pristine condition after being manipulated at the hands of a forced interface with a bio supercomputer (gravemind)? It makes no sense. She can be manipulatted by the slime and tentacles of a omni-interfacing biomass yet somehow the electronics that define her are suddenly so fragile. Whatever.
But more importantly lets talk about the chief again. As said, he likes to say unnecessary things like "hostile sighted", which is both too formal for someone of his badass stature, and also retarded in that it's just him and Cortana and he doesn't need to feed Cortana information she is already getting in real time. Whats more is that the inbreds that populate their forums are actually taking this well. One fool even said she always thought he was a "hollow character" and it's time for him to stop being an "empty vessel".
He's not. He's just not a fucking idiot. He knows when to talk and when to shutup. Leave the talkative whiny bitches from Uncharted, Devil May Cry, ArmA (even though it's a great game it's true), and Assassins creed in their respective games.
This is the Master Chief. This is SPARTAAAAAN WAHN WAHN SEVEEEEEHN!!
I think Halo was a really great game. For a game of it's time it was great, but sequels have failed to really innovate. Dual wielding and vehicle jacking are all well and good, but in hindsight their just gimmicks. Ultimately what makes the game so great is the mysterious spartan 117, and now that his personality has seen such a massive overhaul from his "Clint Eastwood" likeness I've lost all interest in the series.
In Halo 4 if I'm not mistaken they changed the voice actor. He also talks alot, saying things like "hostile sighted". Makes my skin crawl. There's nothing wrong with his personality becoming more fleshed out, but if he's going to talk there had better be a damned good reason.
Also the whole "AIs degrade after a small number of years" is a stupid plot element, and seems to be a driving one in this next game. It's just stupid and random, I don't know what possessed the people at 343 to come up with it. Cortana was already in peril at the hands of the gravemind, and was tortured. We already got to see Cortana's demonish side, and managed to rescue her on somewhat of a cliffhangar of whether she would be yet another casualty like Captain Keys. This is just a cheap rehash of an idea that worked well enough in the previous game.
Also, AIs degrade? After such a short amount of time? This far into the future? I mean it's 500 years into the future. By then we haven't found more reliable data storage methods that don't deteriorate like todays HDDs and SSDs? Okay, if you'll really have us believe that storage and processors are really so fragile in the future still, then how do you explain Cortana's otherwise pristine condition after being manipulated at the hands of a forced interface with a bio supercomputer (gravemind)? It makes no sense. She can be manipulatted by the slime and tentacles of a omni-interfacing biomass yet somehow the electronics that define her are suddenly so fragile. Whatever.
But more importantly lets talk about the chief again. As said, he likes to say unnecessary things like "hostile sighted", which is both too formal for someone of his badass stature, and also retarded in that it's just him and Cortana and he doesn't need to feed Cortana information she is already getting in real time. Whats more is that the inbreds that populate their forums are actually taking this well. One fool even said she always thought he was a "hollow character" and it's time for him to stop being an "empty vessel".
He's not. He's just not a fucking idiot. He knows when to talk and when to shutup. Leave the talkative whiny bitches from Uncharted, Devil May Cry, ArmA (even though it's a great game it's true), and Assassins creed in their respective games.
This is the Master Chief. This is SPARTAAAAAN WAHN WAHN SEVEEEEEHN!!
I think Halo was a really great game. For a game of it's time it was great, but sequels have failed to really innovate. Dual wielding and vehicle jacking are all well and good, but in hindsight their just gimmicks. Ultimately what makes the game so great is the mysterious spartan 117, and now that his personality has seen such a massive overhaul from his "Clint Eastwood" likeness I've lost all interest in the series.
Post edited September 12, 2012 by JCD-Bionicman