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Tarm: Big Fish was a brilliant Swedish metal sorta band. You can't go wrong with a drummer that sometimes drums on a dead cod. :D
ne_zavarj: :)
That's a good example. :)

I still love that band. They have some of the best texts I've heard and I really like their music style and songs too.
Gotta listen to one of their CDs now. :)
Since I don't care for Steam the sale has been fine for me. I've actually gotten three daily deals that I did not have, and had maybe three "complete this bundle for 2.89!" moments.

It's certainly possible to already have everything you could possibly want. I try to enjoy all genres I can get my hands on. I feel like I'm missing out if I say "Oh, this genre is awful and I will never ever play it!"
Its been a tad underwhelming, not a whole lot of impulse buying.

I did finally get everything on my wishlist, though. Got Neverwinter Nights 1 & 2 through the Dungeons & Dragons bundle (already had Baldur's Gate 1 & 2, Icewind Dale 1 & 2 and Planescape: Torment). Also got RollerCoaster Tycoon 3, Fahrenheit, Omikron and Jade Empire. Didn't get anything other than the 50% off, just didn't feel like waiting to see if they'd go cheaper. They probably will, now that I've bought them, but oh well.
Argh! I got the same game two days in a row after clicking Timeless Classics! :(
The only game I was planning to buy was Fallout Tactics, and I got that for free, so no complaints here.
Indru: Argh! I got the same game two days in a row after clicking Timeless Classics! :(
I was wondering if repeats were possible. Guess they are. So my plan of whittling down the timeless list till I got something I wanted is folly.
SSolomon: I was wondering if repeats were possible. Guess they are. So my plan of whittling down the timeless list till I got something I wanted is folly.
hey, I own over 75% of the catalogue and I just got something I didn't own, so keep at it! The possibility exists.
They should get rid of the community choice poll. Since they're broadcasting what the current results are, the winners are decided pretty much immediately.
gibbeynator: the winners are decided pretty much immediately.
They are? I recall the last time there was voting, it was much more interesting. Could it be that the offers are not equal, so one side gets more votes?

Let me dig the Summer 2012 threads.

Edit: Found the threads (Battle of the Games) from July 2012, but there aren't any easy to post results. I can post you links to each of the threads, since it does state which one won the previous vote, but visible votes doesn't mean that the winner is decided at once.
Post edited December 17, 2013 by JMich
SSolomon: I was wondering if repeats were possible. Guess they are. So my plan of whittling down the timeless list till I got something I wanted is folly.
Which games are you looking for ?
I actually don't mind the daily surprise setup at all. I'm a little surprised by how unhappy people seem to be with it - nobody has the right to receive discounts on anything, and I feel like maybe people are expecting a bit too much when they complain that the deals are not tailored specifically for their own, personal needs and wants.
Also, I think receiving deeply discounted offers on games I already own is a great way to pick up gift\giveaway codes.

(For the record - so far I've had one offer for a game I wanted, one offer for a game I already own, and the rest were offers for games I do not own and am not interested in.)

That being said, while I don't necessarily agree with it, I do recognize that a lot of people are unhappy with the daily surprise section, and another user (whose username I can't remember) made a great suggestion - what if we could see all three daily surprises, but only be allowed to pick one of them? That should both greatly limit the chance that one only receives offers on games one already owns or doesn't want, and it should greatly increase the chance that one receives an offer on a game one does want.
I also think it wouldn't hurt if the sale was geared a bit more towards people's wishlists, as that seems to be what people wants.

Now, my beef is not with the deals, but with the bundles. When the D&D bundle was up, I really wanted four of the games, I owned one of them, and I could care less about the other five. However, removing those five games caused the price of the remaining four to go up to more than twice what the bundle cost, and spending more on less just wasn't an option for me. So, I would urge gog to consider the following options:

A) Make it possible to split bundles. I would have been happy to pay the $19, but I was not happy with having my shelf cluttered with games I didn't want and my backlog cluttered with games I'd never play. It would have been an instabuy for me if I could have gifted the extra games to someone else.

B) Make it possible to remove games from a bundle, but keep the price at the bundle's discounted price. That is, the price should have remained at $19 when I removed the five games I didn't want, instead of jumping up to $34. I mind paying more for less, but I don't mind paying the same for less.

A very generous user wound up gifting the four games I wanted to me. I assume that user owned the bundle already and thus got the four games with the $80 discount, (or perhaps had extra codes,) which means (s)he spent $9.96 on them. In either case Gog missed out on $19 that I would have been happy to spend if I hadn't been forced to take the extra five games.
Post edited December 17, 2013 by Reveenka
I also hope they repeart the previous 85% of telltalegames catalogue, cause I need 3 more games to complete that.

Reveenka: In either case Gog missed out on $19 that I would have been happy to spend if I hadn't been forced to take the extra five games.
Yes, but then another user ended up buying it only for those few games, so it evens out for I suppose.

I still think forced bundles make money for companys.

So far I'm happy with this sale, I've gotten all most 50 more games for 75% off... and steam hasn't even started their winter sale yet!
(I'll be hurting if they release Fallout 3: Goty, Fallout: New Vegas Ultimate, Skyrim: Legendary, and borderlnads 2 GOTY, Starbound, etc. for 75% off)
gbaz69: Yes, but then another user ended up buying it only for those few games, so it evens out for I suppose.
It doesn't even out for Gog if I'm willing to spend $19 but someone else spends $9.96 instead on the exact same four games.
I have to say, now that we're several days in, the daily gifts are playing out better than I expected. Not that I'm getting more that I want, but rather they are proving useful in arranging trades with other folks. So the gifts are making the forum more social, and helping new members find their way in. I'd call that a successful aspect, regardless of the others.
Well I bought Trine for 0.99$. No luck with the gift boxes so far. I still hope that The Witcher 2 will show up in my Brave New Worlds Box.