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mistermumbles: You must admit though the whole random gift boxes with games people already own is a bit dumb.
I don't. I also now own a big part og the GOG library, and I'm used to see discounts or awesome opportunities on games I already own. I didn't expect the gift randomizer to function differently from, say, the randomness or GOG's discount choices during normal weekdays.

I really experience it like I experience the regular evryday discounts, and am not expecting more. Anyway, what if a GOGer has all the games, or all the games but two or three ? Would the same games be offered everyday in his gift packs ?
geoconker: Oh well, good luck getting this kind of huge discount on actual good games. In my experience with Steam, every game with such coupons is complete crap. I'd much rather have 50% off on Planescape: Torment than 90% off on Hamilton's Great Adventure.
That's the thing. The heavy discounting of many of the games on Steam is due to their being crap and hence selling like crap. While the market on the whole punishes crap games with crap sales, you will get outliers where good games don't see the deserved success and where bad games sell more than they really should have.

It's the poorly performing good games that provide the best deals. It's why we saw Tomb Raider and Sonic and All-Star Racing Transformed being sold at $10 within three months. I'll bet my bottom dollar that we'll see Rayman Legends in this coming sale going for $10 or less.
I'm not disappointed at all. My entire wishlist is 50-66% off. Now if only I had money to buy anything...
Prydeless: I don't think the 50% discount is pointless. It's seems pretty standard as far as sales events go. Steam does it, and I think Amazon does it too. As far as the community bundle goes, I don't think they're trying to sucker anyone - just trying to entice folks to buy games they might be interested in. My only criticism of the sale so far are the mystery boxes, which shouldn't offer games the customers own and maybe increase the odds toward games on a person's wishlist.
nijuu: Steams discounts are allover the place. U wont find anything (much) over 70% unless its on daily or flash ( games which appear look like they come from a limited pool and get repeated at least 3 times) or community (or super indies). Amazon's sale is... allover the place.Lot of it is price matching Steam deals.The odd super deal. But nothing really flashy.
Sure there's the flash/daily deals, but I mean during a sales event most games in their catalog have a flat 50% off. When the games on the flash/daily deals end they drop back down to 50% in most cases.
hedwards: I agree with the OP here. Apart from the free Fallout games, which I already have, I don't see anything particularly compelling here. I think today was the first day I got the option of buying a game I didn't already own out of the gift boxes and once again none of the bundles are for things that I'm likely to actually play.

As far as sales go, this ones a bit of a dud IMHO.
tinyE: This. +1 :D
hedwards: I don't know about that. The promos are supposed to draw people in and I'm not feeling any meaningful temptation to buy in on any of these deals.
That would be my flaw and I mean that. I have this sick desire to have these games and at least try to play these games regardless of if I really really want them or not so the mass discount is great for myself.
hedwards: I agree with the OP here. Apart from the free Fallout games, which I already have, I don't see anything particularly compelling here. I think today was the first day I got the option of buying a game I didn't already own out of the gift boxes and once again none of the bundles are for things that I'm likely to actually play.

As far as sales go, this ones a bit of a dud IMHO.
The deal on the left, you can just buy 1 game at the higher reduction price. Not sure if it's intentional or a glitch but I used it to get R.C yesterday and Wing Commander V today... just click buy it now and take the other off. Wing Commander V for $1.99 is a great price.
Post edited December 16, 2013 by serpantino
Telika: I don't. I also now own a big part og the GOG library, and I'm used to see discounts or awesome opportunities on games I already own. I didn't expect the gift randomizer to function differently from, say, the randomness or GOG's discount choices during normal weekdays.

I really experience it like I experience the regular evryday discounts, and am not expecting more. Anyway, what if a GOGer has all the games, or all the games but two or three ? Would the same games be offered everyday in his gift packs ?
While I completely agree with you, as I too am used to deals in games I own being the norm, it's also true that I will spend more $ in GOG if I get Costume quest for 3$ on my surprise box (a game that I not only don't own, but is also on my wishlist) than if I get Omerta, a game I not only alrdeady own but it also happens to be on the 80% discount for that day.

So, while I don't feel particularly disappointed for not getting games I'm interested in on the surprise box, or even games I already own; I do see why it might be worth it to personalize that randomness. But hey, it's not my problem, I'm in no hurry to play costume quest.
I checked the catalog before the sales. Now i only buy those games i am interested.
And only if they are in one of the daily deals regardless if they are on GOG or GG (only requirement = DRM free).
Seeing that the majority of them is at $9.99 or less regular this sale Is just a good chance to complete my collection without
waiting/hoping that some may find their way into a weekend-promo.
hedwards: I agree with the OP here. Apart from the free Fallout games, which I already have, I don't see anything particularly compelling here. I think today was the first day I got the option of buying a game I didn't already own out of the gift boxes and once again none of the bundles are for things that I'm likely to actually play.

As far as sales go, this ones a bit of a dud IMHO.
serpantino: The deal on the left, you can just buy 1 game at the higher reduction price. Not sure if it's intentional or a glitch but I used it to get R.C yesterday and Wing Commander V today... just click buy it now and take the other off. Wing Commander V for $1.99 is a great price.
There aren't two discount levels on the Spacesim Succession deal. It's a flat 66% off regardless of how many you buy. OTOH, the Rogueliklike Bundlelike deal specifically lists two different discount levels, one if you buy all of the games (that you don't already have) and one if don't.

It's definitely intentional and not a bug.
I haven't bought anything yet.

Still waiting for one of the daily box deals for something I want. I will probably hold out until the end of the sale to buy anything unless I get the right box or a group discount appeals.

Whats the last day of the sale anyway ?
Huff: I haven't bought anything yet.

Still waiting for one of the daily box deals for something I want. I will probably hold out until the end of the sale to buy anything unless I get the right box or a group discount appeals.

Whats the last day of the sale anyway ?
I believe the 29th is the last day.
I'm generally pleased with the sale, though I've now shuffled all my regular buying towards the end so that I don't pre-purchase something that ends up on a deeper special. But even the 50% makes me happy, so I'll be dropped a fat wad of cash on the final day regardless.

I do miss the frenzy of the Insomnia sale, but at the same time it's nice not having this dominate my waking hours like that sale did.

Huff: Whats the last day of the sale anyway ?
SSolomon: I believe the 29th is the last day.
Correct. From the sale thread:

Our 2013 DRM-Free Winter Sale will last until Sunday, December 29, at 1:59PM GMT.
Post edited December 16, 2013 by IAmSinistar
I just feel apathetic about it.
Haven't had an offer from the "magic boxes" that made me go "well for that price I'll give it a go", to give me a kickstart into purchasing - all been games I own or would never play / can't even think of anyone to gift it to.
So far my money is safe from bargains and impulse buying, which means it's a no sale for me.
I actually didn't plan on buying anything in the Winter Sale but did so nevertheless. So I guess the discounts work for me. :-D
I find two other things a touch lacking: the amount of money available in my PayPal account and the number of "must have" items on my wishlist. This leads me to believe that I've already spent enough on games this year, and that's the main reason the winter sale doesn't excite me. ;)

Anyway, keep in mind that discounts higher than 50-60% are still a very new thing for GOG and GOG was initially reluctant to give in to this sale tactics. I don't think any of the last years has seen so many events with huge discount experiments as this one. So one reason why the winter sale isn't all that special anymore is that there have been similar or better sales like this on GOG throughout the whole year. Two years ago, everyone was still looking forward to buying GOG games for 50% off during the holidays. I guess it's a bit like the saying goes: Give 'em an inch and they will take a yard. :P
Post edited December 16, 2013 by Leroux