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JudasIscariot: P.S. to my GOG bros:

Where is my classic game that I don't wanna name so people don't make posts "X CONFIRMED!" ? Seriously, y'all are slacking :P
TurnipSlayerr: I told you, man, we can't get E.T. cause it was never released on PC!
Can we get the Atari 2600 version of Donkey Kong? You can get the rights to that, right?

Although, that does remind me that Activision did release a CD of their classic games eons ago, before the vestiges of evil were sown into the fabric. It even had a nag mode to play sound clips of a nagging mum!
To be honest I don't worry about what games GOG release anymore, as I've already picked up enough stuff for myself from their older games catalogue to keep myself entertained.

That said I can see how people can become annoyed with the recent surge of indie releases, since I too think that most indie games are really unimaginative, and seem to follow the same sort of trends (I'm especially tired of the retro RPG and platformer styles), which is rather ironic, as the point of indie games in the beginning was to break away from the mass production of developers with a high budget, - or that least thast how I perceived it anyway - but in turn the indie scene has become almost as stale as the market of AAA titles. Of course there are exceptions on boths sides, and I did buy a few indie games here on GOG, but as I've said I'm not that impressed with what indie games have to offer either.

I'm not sure what caused the slowdown in the release of "classic" titles, and I do not wish to speculate about it, but I believe there is a reason why the site decided to change their name from Good Old Games to simply just GOG. There is still an occasional "oldie" release every week, so even if GOG decided to change the profile of the business, in my opinion the site still remains the best source for buying older titles.
Post edited October 09, 2013 by szablev
I have the solution: A preference option in the form of
[ ] Oldies only.
[ ] Indies only.
[ ] Everything and the kitchen sink.

It would filter games in the store and game anouncement.

Seriously, GOG did a survey asking us if we minded having indies and although they didn't publish the results (or I missed them), I'm thinking that most of us answered that we did not mind. My guess is based on two facts:

1- We now have indies. (of course the survey might have been just for show)
2- There is not a ton more posts complaining about the indies. People love to complain, specially in internet forums, so if anti-indies were more than a tiny minority then we'd have the impression that the majority of users were against indies on GOG.

In any case a lot of indies feel like oldies. I'm playing The Pit right now and I feel like I'm on my C-64 again.

The adventure genre was declared dead so fan of the genre are very happy that it is not the case. me included. I do wish for more flight and submarine sims.
TurnipSlayerr: Ok ok! I was planning on sleeping tonight but I guess that'll have to wait. :(
JudasIscariot: Just because you're in a different building now doesn't mean you are safe from my hounding you :huehuemodeactivated:
Old married couple comes to mind.
Not a popular opinion here. I felt that way during the summer, because GOG released very few old games for some reason, but the past month or two has been really good! And I think we can expect a good old game tomorrow.

Flight of the Amazon Queen
Privateer 2: The Darkening
Shadow Man
Legend of Kyrandia, The (Book One)
I Have No Mouth And I Must Scream
Wing Commander: Academy
Actually, what most people here want are good games, regardless of the label. The problem is, the indie community tends to get stuck in ruts of non-creativity and release scores of the same type of game with only minor variations.

Indie platformers are a perfect example of this. As soon as one or two of them became big, scores of repetitive indie platformers began appearing. As exciting as they tried to make them seem in marketing, they just stopped being exciting after they saturated the market.

If someone comes up with truly original games of any genre, including RPG, Adventure, Arcade, (maybe a Zaxxon-type shooter or some really good racing or flying games rather than endless platformers) simulation, or any other under-represented genre in the indie world, that would change a lot of people's views on indie games.

There are enough platformers and tower defense games out there already. Let's have something new. If the games are good, it doesn't matter what they're called.
Post edited October 09, 2013 by ZapMcRaygunn
Haha I love that this thread has turned into GOG employees talking to each other!

I feel better just complaining a bit. I've loved GOG since the beginning and won't be leaving anytime soon.

TurnipSlayerr: Ok ok! I was planning on sleeping tonight but I guess that'll have to wait. :(
JudasIscariot: Just because you're in a different building now doesn't mean you are safe from my hounding you :huehuemodeactivated:
Yes. Here, there, everywhere. I want actual games, not somebody's weekend project. :-)

edit: that goes for "buy this while it's still in development" too!
Post edited October 09, 2013 by DieRuhe
ZapMcRaygunn: Actually, what most people here want are good games, regardless of the label. The problem is, the indie community tends to get stuck in ruts of non-creativity and release scores of the same type of game with only minor variations.

Indie platformers are a perfect example of this. As soon as one or two of them became big, scores of repetitive indie platformers began appearing. As exciting as they tried to make them seem in marketing, they just stopped being exciting after they saturated the market.

If someone comes up with truly original games of any genre, including RPG, Adventure, Arcade, (maybe a Zaxxon-type shooter or some really good racing or flying games rather than endless platformers) simulation, or any other under-represented genre in the indie world, that would change a lot of people's views on indie games.

There are enough platformers and tower defense games out there already. Let's have something new. If the games are good, it doesn't matter what they're called.
Papers, Please isn't something new? :D
ZapMcRaygunn: Actually, what most people here want are good games, regardless of the label. The problem is, the indie community tends to get stuck in ruts of non-creativity and release scores of the same type of game with only minor variations.

Indie platformers are a perfect example of this. As soon as one or two of them became big, scores of repetitive indie platformers began appearing. As exciting as they tried to make them seem in marketing, they just stopped being exciting after they saturated the market.

If someone comes up with truly original games of any genre, including RPG, Adventure, Arcade, (maybe a Zaxxon-type shooter or some really good racing or flying games rather than endless platformers) simulation, or any other under-represented genre in the indie world, that would change a lot of people's views on indie games.

There are enough platformers and tower defense games out there already. Let's have something new. If the games are good, it doesn't matter what they're called.
JudasIscariot: Papers, Please isn't something new? :D
Go to bed. If you are late tomorrow (today) your bosses will know why you were late in.
ZapMcRaygunn: Actually, what most people here want are good games, regardless of the label. The problem is, the indie community tends to get stuck in ruts of non-creativity and release scores of the same type of game with only minor variations.

Indie platformers are a perfect example of this. As soon as one or two of them became big, scores of repetitive indie platformers began appearing. As exciting as they tried to make them seem in marketing, they just stopped being exciting after they saturated the market.

If someone comes up with truly original games of any genre, including RPG, Adventure, Arcade, (maybe a Zaxxon-type shooter or some really good racing or flying games rather than endless platformers) simulation, or any other under-represented genre in the indie world, that would change a lot of people's views on indie games.

There are enough platformers and tower defense games out there already. Let's have something new. If the games are good, it doesn't matter what they're called.
JudasIscariot: Papers, Please isn't something new? :D
You've got a point there. That's definitely interesting and original. :) Also, Uplink and Faster Than Light are original.
You got me.
I don't mind the indie games. Some of them have turned out to be pleasantly entertaining. While I'd prefer more old games, I'm up for indies-they are closer to the older games I like than a lot of the new AAA titles out there, that's for sure, and most of them will run on my laptop, which is one of the things I like about GoG-knowing that no matter what game I pick, I can be almost certain that it will run on what I have.

That being said, I was very excited when Pandemonium popped up on GoG, and I would love to see if they could get more PS1 or multiplatform games from that genre on GoG. In many ways old Console games are in much greater present danger of getting lost to time than computer games... so I wouldn't mind if they spaced the indie games with a few more older games either console or computer.
Post edited October 09, 2013 by Catoblepas
szablev: To be honest I don't worry about what games GOG release anymore, as I've already picked up enough stuff for myself from their older games catalogue to keep myself entertained.

That said I can see how people can become annoyed with the recent surge of indie releases, since I too think that most indie games are really unimaginative, and seem to follow the same sort of trends (I'm especially tired of the retro RPG and platformer styles), which is rather ironic, as the point of indie games in the beginning was to break away from the mass production of developers with a high budget, - or that least thast how I perceived it anyway - but in turn the indie scene has become almost as stale as the market of AAA titles. Of course there are exceptions on boths sides, and I did buy a few indie games here on GOG, but as I've said I'm not that impressed with what indie games have to offer either.

I'm not sure what caused the slowdown in the release of "classic" titles, and I do not wish to speculate about it, but I believe there is a reason why the site decided to change their name from Good Old Games to simply just GOG. There is still an occasional "oldie" release every week, so even if GOG decided to change the profile of the business, in my opinion the site still remains the best source for buying older titles.
Strongly disagree with this. IMO indie games are the only place where you'll find innovative and original ideas and gameplay mechanics as AAA developers are too worried about chasing the almighty $ with generic shooter #764842 or yearly rehash of the latest sports game.
I mind neither old games nor indie games. What is starting to bore me is indie games that present themselves as aesthetically as old ones. Retro City Rampage does a good spoof of the genre/theme, but it feels to me like there are too many games that try to create the "old school atmosphere" by looking like NES and SNES titles.

Sure, well made pixels and sprites do look better than poorly done polygons and high-res textures, so I'm all for minimalistic or stylised graphics, but do we really need more devs thinking old school = Nintendo? Not all of us grew up with Nintendo, you know. While some of these indie games might be avalible on Playstation or Xbox or maybe even Wii, chances are that they're only avalible on computers. And chances are also that those playing indie games on PC or Mac were computer kids back in the day. And even if they were console kids, maybe they prefered Sega to Nintendo? And even if they were Nintendo kids, they might be fed up on indie Zeldas by now.

How about an indie game with 256 colour VGA aesthetics and .mod soundtrack for change?
Regardless of whether it's an indie game or a good old game, seeing a growing library of games on this website is a good thing.


I was a Gametap user for two(ish) years and it was a great service to have. New games every Tuesday, new and old alike, and it had the rights to MYST URU and the new Sam and Max episodic series. Boy it was a great time to game. My wife and I loved the service. We weren't even playing our consoles because the backlog of games was varied and growing. Until the games stopped coming every Tuesday and the games we did get were total crap. Then we promptly cancelled. It developed a whole other business model since (I think it's like a buy-to-play site now).

Point of this post is: as long as the games are coming and they're good, I do not care.