ZapMcRaygunn: Actually, what most people here want are good games, regardless of the label. The problem is, the indie community tends to get stuck in ruts of non-creativity and release scores of the same type of game with only minor variations.
Indie platformers are a perfect example of this. As soon as one or two of them became big, scores of repetitive indie platformers began appearing. As exciting as they tried to make them seem in marketing, they just stopped being exciting after they saturated the market.
If someone comes up with truly original games of any genre, including RPG, Adventure, Arcade, (maybe a Zaxxon-type shooter or some really good racing or flying games rather than endless platformers) simulation, or any other under-represented genre in the indie world, that would change a lot of people's views on indie games.
There are enough platformers and tower defense games out there already. Let's have something new. If the games are good, it doesn't matter what they're called.