Posted October 09, 2013

Registered: Dec 2009
From Poland

Gray Zombie Cat
Registered: Dec 2009
From Poland
Posted October 09, 2013
While cartoony platformers can get boring after some time, little indie gems (today's Knock Knock for example) compensate it :)

Not Deus Ex
Registered: Dec 2009
From Finland
Posted October 09, 2013

Where is Heroes of Might and Magic VI? The rest of Assassin's creed series? Call of Duty? Prototype? Dead Space? Mirror's Edge? Deus Ex Human revolution?
Where are the AAA titles from different publishers here already on GOG?

Not him again!
Registered: Sep 2010
From Finland

Bad Hair Day
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Registered: Dec 2012
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Registered: Jun 2012
From United States
Posted October 09, 2013
Not really, no. Sometimes there are classic games that I find super interesting (e.g. Shadow Man), and sometimes there are classic games that don't interest me at all (e.g. Re-volt). Sometimes there are indie games that really interest me (both today's releases, and I hope that it's not the Wednesday games, when we normally don't have a release at all, that caused the OP to make this thread), other times I find the indie releases totally uninteresting (both Monday's releases). I've never noticed much correlation between whether a game is old and whether a game is interesting to me.
Also, I suspect that the alternative to all these indie releases is no releases, or fifth-tier games that have been justly forgotten by the gaming community.
Also, I suspect that the alternative to all these indie releases is no releases, or fifth-tier games that have been justly forgotten by the gaming community.
Post edited October 09, 2013 by BadDecissions

Zero fox given.
Registered: Nov 2008
From Germany
Posted October 09, 2013

With games like HoMM 6, Assassin's Creed 2 and Deus Ex: Human Revolution, gamers have no alternative but to buy with DRM. Used copies are useless and buyers are essentially forced to buy them new and go through UPlay, Origin and Steam.
I know there are a handful of games which have seen DRM-free releases following DRM exclusivity (Alan Wake + American Nightmare, Brütal Legend, Stranger's Wrath) but these are for the most part self-published indie titles (Riddick, Two Worlds 1 & 2 and Far Cry had DRM upon retail release, but they could still be bought secondhand), but for the most part, the major publishers will have no interest in publishing games DRM-free when there is no other alternative.
I very much doubt we'll ever see many of the games you listed there. CoD 1 & 2 perhaps, maybe even Dead Space, Prototype and Mirror's Edge, but certainly not the Modern Warfare series, later Assassin's Creed games or Deus Ex: HR.

Registered: Aug 2011
From United States
Posted October 09, 2013

GOG promised they will stay devoted to classic games even after introducing their change
TET promised himself that GOG will release at least 1 classic game a week.
These were pinky promises, if you're intrrested.
I find that gamers like to fling that word around when they're not getting what they want.

←This Way
Registered: Sep 2012
From Germany
Posted October 09, 2013
Nope, i am not getting tired. It doesn't matter to me if its an old game or a new one as long as it makes fun to play it and its DRM-Free. Some of these indie games are the future "classics" that the new generation of gamer will remember.
I'm more concerned about the "classic" games GOG released in the last months. Old is not equal to classic. Thats said i still have high hopes to see many of real good old games coming to this site.
I'm more concerned about the "classic" games GOG released in the last months. Old is not equal to classic. Thats said i still have high hopes to see many of real good old games coming to this site.

Registered: Sep 2008
From Czech Republic
Posted October 09, 2013
hey, dude, it's Wednesday, nothing should have been released today :o) if I should choose between nothing released and something released, I take the latter ;)

Positive Patty
Registered: Oct 2009
From United States
Posted October 09, 2013
Yes and no. I don't play the indie games much (I've bought a few and they're sitting in the backlog for the most part) so I can't speak as to the overall quality, length, replayability, etc. But if a bunch of profitable DRM-free releases from independent designers means that it convinces more of the larger publishers to start going DRM-free, then I say "Bring on the indies!"
But not to the exclusion of gOLDgs.
But not to the exclusion of gOLDgs.

Don't Panic
Registered: Nov 2010
From United Kingdom
Posted October 09, 2013
f*cked if Activision know!
I suspect Sanity: Aitken's Artifact and a couple of other Monolith / Fox things have disappeared down the same hole too!
I suspect Sanity: Aitken's Artifact and a couple of other Monolith / Fox things have disappeared down the same hole too!

New User
Registered: Sep 2008
From United States
Posted October 09, 2013
Haha No I'm not a lurker. I used to check the forums every once in awhile but haven't in a long time. I'm sorry if I'm the hundredth person to bring this subject up. I did check the first page before I posted and didn't see anything close!
If I really think about it my problem is GOG hasn't posted a game I got excited about buying in along time. It just seems like an endless stream of indie adventure games. I know that there has been other kinds of games and I know that everybody has their own preferences. I'm just stating mine.
Johnisnotcool: I'm a big fan of indie games but I'm a bigger fan of good old games. I miss when there was more good old games released and less indies. I also miss when the price point was always less then $10. Am I alone here?
Potzato: Despite your join date, you just proved yourself not to be a lurker of the forum. Which is perfectly fine, Welcome to you :) !
If you were though, you would most certainly know that :
1°) No, you are not alone
2°) Yes, many people think like you.
3°) No, not all people, just many.
4°) There are a finite number of things in the past, and as we currently know, an infinite in the future. That is true for videogames too. Being a lurker doesn't have a thing to do with knowing this though.
5°) There is a thing with licenses and games, it was explained a lot of times in the past years, but sorry I don't have a link right here.
Sidenote : I am not trying to be offensive, just creative in my way of saying things.
Edit : the keyword in all my mess is 'licenses' I've been here from the beginning and seen every single game come though. I own almost every game that interests me. So the fact they indie games that I don't care about are 90% of the games added to GOG is annoying. The fact that I'm not forced to buy them or that they are the only current games on GOG have nothing to do with it.
If I really think about it my problem is GOG hasn't posted a game I got excited about buying in along time. It just seems like an endless stream of indie adventure games. I know that there has been other kinds of games and I know that everybody has their own preferences. I'm just stating mine.

If you were though, you would most certainly know that :
1°) No, you are not alone
2°) Yes, many people think like you.
3°) No, not all people, just many.
4°) There are a finite number of things in the past, and as we currently know, an infinite in the future. That is true for videogames too. Being a lurker doesn't have a thing to do with knowing this though.
5°) There is a thing with licenses and games, it was explained a lot of times in the past years, but sorry I don't have a link right here.
Sidenote : I am not trying to be offensive, just creative in my way of saying things.
Edit : the keyword in all my mess is 'licenses'
Post edited October 09, 2013 by Johnisnotcool

Good News again?
Registered: Dec 2010
From Belgium
Posted October 09, 2013

2°) Yes, many people think like you.
3°) No, not all people, just many.
4°) There are a finite number of things in the past, and as we currently know, an infinite in the future. That is true for videogames too.
5°) There is a thing with licenses and games,
It's a debate we already had. Unfortunately, last time, someone felt he/she had to use harsh words against those not incensing the apparent current preminence of indie games amongst releases. And Judas reminded us that GOG hadn't forgotten their roots...
As for me, I'm not " tired" of those indies. But only a few of them actually interest me. I haven't bought any of the latest 30 releases yet. I will probably eventually buy 4 or 5 of them. Only one of those is a recent game ( Cognition) . I would for sure prefer to see more older games being released, but it's a matter of taste eventually.
Post edited October 09, 2013 by Phc7006

Bad Hair Day
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Registered: Dec 2012
From Other
Posted October 09, 2013
Screw the debate, how does Potzato make those groovy degree symbols?