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darthspudius: Well done to the WWE for killing one of the best Royal Rumbles in years. Does anyone actually want to pay for a ppv to watch John Cena AGAIN!!! Such a waste.
tinyE: Did he win it?
Indeed he did. Looks like another dull Wrestlemania. Bring back 1996... HBK vs Bret!
darthspudius: Well done to the WWE for killing one of the best Royal Rumbles in years. Does anyone actually want to pay for a ppv to watch John Cena AGAIN!!! Such a waste.
tinyE: Did he win it?
Yes. I just read it on pwinsider. He eliminated Ryback to win.

So likely he will go on to win the title from the Rock at Wrestlemania.
I used to watch wrestling a good bit back in high school. Back then I didn't have internet access at home or cable TV.

Not as much anymore really, sometimes I watch people play wrestling games on youtube but that's it now.

WWE just isn't all that interesting anymore, Eddie Guerrero passed away then Chris Benoit committed suicide and things just really changed since Benoit was my favorite wrestler when I did watch.

Admittedly, I've seen footage of some of the old TLC matches and stuff like that. Boy were those matches entertaining to watch, those guys are daredevils and creative.
I was a huge fan of WWF and WCW back in the day. Eddie Guerrero, The Undertaker, Rey Mysterio Jr, Bret Hart, Shawn Michaels, The Mountie, Natural Disasters, Ted DiBiase, Legion of Doom... Man, I loved it! And it wasn't easy to watch in France back then, since there was one and only one channel broadcasting it, and it was a monthly-fee channel, so either your parents had it or you had to ask to a friend to record it for you...

Then, the interested faded... Especially after WWE ate WCW, but mainly since the John Cena/HHH/Mr Headlock-what's-his-name years...

But that's also when I discovered japanese pro-wrestling and american indie wrestling and man! I have a great time with less known promotions!

In Japan, they play it either strong style (zen nippon pro wrestling, etc...) or pure comedy the japanese way (Hustle, Osaka Pro, etc...).

In America you have lots of very interesting promotions in almost every style, like PWG (Pro Wrestling Guerrilla), ROH (Ring of Honor), but my favorite ever (yes, ever! on the same level than classic-era WWF!) is CHIKARA!

At CHIKARA, you have all: high-flying mexican-style luchadores, strong style powerhouse, retro euro-style wrestling, kayfabe, stories... Under the direction of Mike Quackenbush, CHIKARA is now 10 years old and their shows just improve over time.!

They manage to have a level of intensity and fun that just explodes everything WWE is doing now, while keeping everything PG-friendly!! Seriously, at their shows you can see old-timer fans and kids alike, whithout bastardizing what is the essence of wrestling: emotions and stories.

The creators of CHIKARA are indeed fans of the old-style WWF, so sometimes they have guests like Iceberg, the 1-2-3 Kid, Marty Gianetty. They are also fans of video games and all the pop culture, so even what they're saying is entertaining!!

With CHIKARA, you can't go wrong!
gameon: I used to watch WCW back in the mid to late 90's and it was my favourite era of wrestling.

Does anyone here watch wreslting, or have any good memories of it?
*Sigh*, yes and no. In summation:

Mid 80;s as a child: MADLY addicted to WWE. Really intensified during early 90's era, HBK, Razor Ramon, Diesel.

WCW nWo era: Was hooked. Did not like the Stone Cold era in WWE.

Early 2000's with Brock Lesnar, I enjoyed a lot of the WCW guys coming over to WWE, but was losing touch with the sanitation of the product.

Mid 2000's: Once Cena dropped the rapper gimmick and became the military/WWE shill, I lost almost all interest.

2010's: Rumble 2011 piqued my interest in guys like Dolph, and Kingston. Rock/Cena was a great match the following year.

CM Punk made me pay attention with his summer promo, and then it all went to shit.

I have had difficulty enjoying it lately, and if the Lmv kzig. PGTP-94TV
Rumble results point to what I think they do, I think I am done with WWE for the forseeable future.
Post edited February 02, 2013 by anjohl
I forgot to mention one of my favourite wrestlers (La Parka):
Post edited January 28, 2013 by gameon
gameon: I forgot to mention one of my favourite wrestlers (La Parka):
Wow, that brings back memories !! :D
Yeah, I'm a fan. Pretty much was born into it. My grandfather used to watch wrestling shows and put me on his lap. I've been watching since I was a half year old. I'm twenty six now.

Starting in 2000 I branched out to indies and international wrestling when I got my first tape batch from Highspots. I'm also a junkie for retro pro-wrestling, having watched so many big events from around the world over the last thirty years I can't even begin to start.

As a result, I have a massive knowledge library of pro-wrestling and understanding of it's mechanics that rival some of the biggest wrestling experts out there...And no other skills to speak of. I'm also this way with Mixed Martial Arts, pro-wrestling's legitimate non-retarded cousin.

I also did this: It would have been my 10th year anniversary in October if I still was doing it. But hell, I did it off and on from 2002 to 2011, so may as well mention it.
Post edited January 30, 2013 by Hawk52
Hawk52: Yeah, I'm a fan. Pretty much was born into it. My grandfather used to watch wrestling shows and put me on his lap. I've been watching since I was a half year old. I'm twenty six now.

Starting in 2000 I branched out to indies and international wrestling when I got my first tape batch from Highspots. I'm also a junkie for retro pro-wrestling, having watched so many big events from around the world over the last thirty years I can't even begin to start.

As a result, I have a massive knowledge library of pro-wrestling and understanding of it's mechanics that rival some of the biggest wrestling experts out there...And no other skills to speak of. I'm also this way with Mixed Martial Arts, pro-wrestling's legitimate non-retarded cousin.

I also did this: [url=][/url]/ It would have been my 10th year anniversary in October if I still was doing it. But hell, I did it off and on from 2002 to 2011, so may as well mention it.
Yeah I'm a huge wrestling fan, just watched the Royal Rumble actually with Rock vs CM Punk headlining. Good show. Great to see Bret Hart on it looking healthy.

I like some indy promotions such as PWG, ROH and I watch a bit of TNA.
I think there should be an "Official Wrestling Thread! where wrestling fans can speak about WWE, TNA, all the TV shows, PPVs, news, firings, hirings, funny photos etc etc as well as the indys, ROH, PWG, Chikara, Shimmer etc.

Most forums have one, and they are normally lively topics.

Does somebody with more stroke than me here want to start one up?
Bruno! Bruno! Holy shit! I am losing my shit here! $@&$ing BRUNO!
Mervert: I think there should be an "Official Wrestling Thread! where wrestling fans can speak about WWE, TNA, all the TV shows, PPVs, news, firings, hirings, funny photos etc etc as well as the indys, ROH, PWG, Chikara, Shimmer etc.

Most forums have one, and they are normally lively topics.

Does somebody with more stroke than me here want to start one up?
I don't think gamers like sports for some reason. Saying that though, FIFA, NFL and NBA games sell well every year. I guess those sorts don't go to these forums.

I am a fan of a lot of sports. Sure there are some idiots with ego's, but i've come to find that in the gaming community, there are some people that act in a similar kind of way.
Mervert: I think there should be an "Official Wrestling Thread! where wrestling fans can speak about WWE, TNA, all the TV shows, PPVs, news, firings, hirings, funny photos etc etc as well as the indys, ROH, PWG, Chikara, Shimmer etc.

Most forums have one, and they are normally lively topics.

Does somebody with more stroke than me here want to start one up?
I created one here a couple of days ago. Feel free to write in it ! ^_^
xa_chan: I created one here a couple of days ago. Feel free to write in it ! ^_^
Well, obviously *this* is the official thread. We were asking for a pin, not a split thread.
You Do realize it's all acrobatics and acting don't you?