ErekoseDM: i did the 100% resist magicka route, but everything is still darker than it should be [...]
additionally my sword rarely connects when striking.
logorouge: Well, your aim might not be as bad as you think. If things are still darker than they should, that means you're still affected by the blinding effect of the boots, which means you're still also affected by the accuracy penalty that goes with it. Even if fighting with a weapon skill under 40 is pretty tough, removing the boots while in combat should give you a good fighting chance. Add a bound sword to the mix and you'll be slashing your way through opponents like a red hot knife through butter.
Also, about those vampires... that far off future might be much sooner than you expect, with a little "luck". :P
ive been raising levels to get that weapon skill up to at least 40. ill do some testing with and without the boots, i need to up my str again this round.
ive been adding to luck as well regularly so hopefully this improves.
though wearing the boots and casting night eye (colors back to 'normal') didnt increase my hit ratio while the buff was active, but the negative % on strike might still have been knocking about even if it seemed like it should be normal.
i got bound bow earlier, but neglected to purchase any arrows apparently. i figured if the bow was popping up outta nowhere some basic arrows should appear with it. ^_^
ill keep my eyes peeled for Bound Sword if its better than many swords, at least i wont need to repair it.
i ran into some NPC yammering on about Frostmarch, and the transport in Krull or something like that to get there. is that vampire island?
(i did encounter the ship NPC in that city, but his dialogue seemed to indicate he takes people there but none ever return. i figured it was plague town or something, i didnt want the 1 way trip to a werewolf lifestyle)
ErekoseDM: ive been city hoping trying to fill out the overworld map so when a quest shows up i have a clue of which direction to attempt to travel.
pi4t: Have you bought a Guide to Vvardenfell (in game)? It's quite handy if you don't know where a town is, as it details the major towns and most of the villages as well. Handy for first time players trying to find out where everything is.
didnt know they had this guide (Guide to Vvardenfell) in game, ill snag one if i see one.
this would help greatly, i think i put a decent dent into some of the basic cities though. i got some on most of the main outer edges so i have some reference points if i need to work inwards.
thanks for the gaming tips guys!