Posted January 22, 2013
I'm only running about 2 dozen mods on my Morrowind and most of those are part of Morrowind Overhaul anyway. I think that I the native/vanilla game got a lot of things right from the beginning. Other titles started really over simplifying gameplay and required more mods to fix. Even the mods I use to change game mechanics are so minor as to be overlooked when playing. For example I have a mod that increases the rate you regen stamina if you are crouched and not moving, another gives limited nightvision to characters with high sneak skills and one that is really nice for me has very slow health regen. It won't save you in combat but you don't have to waste spells or potions to reregain 5-10 hit points, just walk to the next town and you should be fine. I also got a level overhaul because I felt the x5 system they used was horrible and detracted from the game, but that's just me.