anjohl: I just read that in Sacred, you choose as opposed to creating a character. Is that the case for Lionheart as well?
Sielle: In Lionheart you chose 1 of 8 pre-generated characters "or" you can custom make one like a lot of RPG's.
Edit: I see you marked this as the solution. Don't forget to give Starkrun a "+1 rep" they helped answer the question as well.
One small note:
Sacred is like Diablo in character selection. You choose your 'character', which is a pre-defined look for a given class, and each one can do specific things. each has strengths and weaknesses, as well as areas of focus.
From there as you level up you can customize your characer, selecting skills, abilities, how to place their states, etc.
Lionheart, however, uses the Fallout character rules.
You build it at the beginning, but.. once you've built your character, you've more or less defined them, there is less customization as you level up. (Still a fair amount, but.. not a lot)
A lot of reviews I've read say that Lionheart sucks later game. Sacred, however, ... the only problem is there's too much to do >.>