pH7: Not mine. I've taken special care for more than a decade to avoid just that, and most (recent) public records here aren't public to everyone - you have to at least talk to someone and in most cases identify yourself. So don't justify giving out my info because so many others fail to protect their privacy, just so that something's happening on their FB wall, or to get a few more followers on twitter..
orcishgamer: I don't know Norway's laws specifically, so perhaps it's different there, but there is no care you can take here, it's public information and now it's "online", so too bad, so sad, better to work with reality than desperately wish for something that's impossible because in this case, the cat being out of the bag already actually does matter.
And I don't know how PIs do it there, but with 2-3 pieces of your information and 200 bucks I bet I could piece together most of your life story too, it'd just take me longer because I don't know where to look for Norway.
If I'm willing to break the law it's even easier.
I don't agree with that at all. It disturbs me a great deal that people take that kind of attitude that just because one can do something illegally that suddenly it's OK to help out potential stalkers, because clearly they would just break the law.
It still doesn't address the fact that this is between two people, none of which are both in Denmark and members of this forum.
I remember, a few years back the wife of one of my coworkers showed up at work, he was not pleased about the employer telling her he worked there without asking for permission first. For all they knew it might have been a crazed stalker who just said she was his wife. And at bare minimum they owed it to him to give him a head's up.
It's not a matter of one or two isolated incidences, with the number of people and the number of relationships, there's a substantial number of these sorts of incidences that can happen. And it's much more likely than average to happen if somebody has lost contact.
I remember a few years prior to that being on the bus where the woman seated on the first seat at the front on the left hand side of the bus, was gunned down about 6 weeks later by a deranged ex that had managed to track here down. I'm not sure how he managed to do it, but I'm not sure that I would care to be responsible for having let him know where she was working at the time.
It's sort of odd how people just stick in your mind even though you only cross paths once and never speak.
But, the point is that the OP can settle for just having his contact information passed on and receive confirmation that it was passed on. Anything more puts other people in a potentially awkward situation. I'm not even really comfortable passing on friends contact information to other friends without having permission to do so.