sheepdragon: Considering Neon Genesis Evangelion next, as I've got a couple of friends that are quite into it and talk about it quite a lot, and also because I noticed it seemed rather extremely popular in Japan, considering that several stores seemed to play exclusively what my friend's identified as Neon Genesis music, and sold and advertised a lot around it. We even found shoes based on the plug suits at some stores.
I HATE NGE with a passion.
It was all fine and decent until the last two episodes. BIGGEST FUCKING COP OUT ENDING EVER. AND I MEAN EVARRRRRRRRRRRR.
NGE can go fuck itself. By all means, go watch it, the first 22 episodes are awesome and there's some really good character development, but the end... Jesus H Christ. I just stared at the screen after it ended and felt so fucking ripped off. /end rant