OneoftheLost: Personally? I can't stand 99% of it. In fact, the only Anime that I like is the stuff that showed up on Cartoon Network when I was younger.
Cowboy Bebop
Samurai Champloo
Fullmetal Alchemist
Neon Genesis Evangelion
Outlaw Star (This may not have been on cartoon network, I can't remember now.)
Ghost in the Shell (The movies and the series.)
Anime really is one of those things that just doesn't interest me. Its more like, I ran into a few shows that are classified as Anime and they happened to be really good. As a whole, I avoid it.
My own opinion is very similar to this guy, especially the last paragraph. I disliked most the medium's offerings, at least what I was exposed to. Once upon a time I sampled maybe around 20-25 shows which were regarded as substantial or noteworthy to the genre. My mileage varied; sometimes I watched a whole series, other times one episode. I don't remember many of them very well years on, though my impressions have still remained. Most of the ardent fans of anime I found to be a rather repellent bunch. This isn't a kind remark to make, but it was my experience.
If anything the anime I did like is even narrower than OneoftheLost's list, basically only
Cowboy Bebop, which was an entertaining space-opera-ish romp with a snazzy jazz soundtrack I ended up liking almost more than the series, and
Serial Experiments: LAIN. I think that one appealed because it seemed so UN-anime-esque, a cold, clinical, and ominous existential affair, like something David Lynch or Cronenberg might have created if they had been born in Japan and became animators. When I watched Richard Linklater's rotoscoped
A Scanner, Darkly years on, a film I greatly loved, it reminded me thematically of LAIN.