u2jedi: Thankfully Bleach the Anime had an ending. A nice conclusion for the most part. It won't leave you hanging.
Before the DVDs a lot of people used to watch the fansubs from groups like Bleach-Society, Lunar, Dattebayo etc. But Funimation put a stop to that eventually. And other groups came out of the wooodwork to pick up the slack.
You will notice that eventually Bleach switched to HD.
BadDecissions: I've been watching Bleach on DVD. It's been fun so far, but Wikipedia tells me that there are 366 episodes, and I'm not convinced it's
that fun, especially since Funimation sharply restricted the number of disks you get per purchase for the later episodes.
u2jedi: Funimation isn't the US distributor for Bleach. Viz is. Plus, if Funimation had the license, we'd have more eps per volume and they would probably have switched the widescreen at the correct epsiode (168 was when the Japanese series & fansubs changed. 230 is when the TV broadcast in the US, itunes epsiodes, and the DVD's changed over). Plus if Funimation were the R1 license holder, we would either A: have a different VA cast or B: still have the original VA for Kenpachi Zaraki. There are a lot of epsiodes but if you watch it as it airea @ midnite Saturday nite, it doesn't seem as bad. Plus if the magna wraps up before the dub ends, there may be no stop in the dubbing of new eps.