Lexor: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kl1ujzRidmU I think in some parts he was overreacting but overall I agree.
Assuming that neither his statements or the ones from his daughter's message are blatant lies, I can understand his disappointment, but think he chose a poor way of showing it. He comes across as very nervous and a bit insecure while trying to demonstrate authority, which clearly fails. Furthermore, the "solution" he has chosen is rather immature: destruction of property, punishment, and trying to counter public defacement with another public defacement. He doesn't appear to have any clear strategy to actually solve the underlying conflict, he's just extremely disappointed and angry and couldn't find a better reaction than directing his anger against the laptop as a means of punishing his daughter. Such an immature reaction is something I'd expect from a kid or a teenager, but not from a grown-up. The only thing he "achieves" is publicly throwing mud at his own daughter (be it justified or not), coming across as ... strange, and giving the impression that this family needs help. Nothing in his actions will have any positive effect on his daughter's behavior.
If his daughter inherited his skills at conflict resolution, then I can see why it's not working.
His daughter _does_ appear to need to improve her behavior and/or attitude, but destroying things that she likes will only achieve the opposite.