Posted February 11, 2012

Well, if she has shown that she can't learn from her actions, fine, "permanently" take something away, sell it, give it away, but I still say destroying it is just bad form.
Because that’s how I was raised. If I did something embarrassing to my parents in public (such as a grocery store) I got my tail tore up right there in front of God and everyone, right there in the store. I put the reprisal in exactly the same medium she did, in the exact same manner. Her post went out to about 452 people. Mine went out to about 550 people… originally. I had no idea it would become what it did.
IT specialist who doesn't realise that a Youtube link can be viewed by anyone ... Seriously, he screwed up and caused the vid to go viral and then makes excuses. A normal parent would be very apologetic towards his daughter and not "tough, I didn't expect it to happen but she asked for it". Until then, she can do chores, and lots and lots of them, so the people who ARE feeding her, clothing her, paying for all her school trips, paying for her musical instruments, can have some time to relax after they finish working to support her and the rest of the family.
Translated: going to school and studying isn't important and the fact that she wants to learn more skills (instruments) isn't either. This proves what I said earlier: he sees her as a semi-maid and believes that his job is so much tougher than what she has to do for school. That part always pissed me off big time - you spend at least as much time at school or on school work and it all gets minimised. And heck, he works in IT? IT is nothing compared to school. She responded to the video with “I can’t believe you shot my computer!” That was the first thing she said when she found out about it. Then we sat and we talked for quite a long while on the back patio about the things she did, the things I did in response, etc.
Translated: father did what he should have done in the first place and probably had a long talk to cool his own conscience that he may have gone overboard. She’s seen first-hand through this video the worst possible scenario that can happen. One post, made by her Dad, will probably follow him the rest of his life; just like those mean things she said on Facebook will stick with the people her words hurt for a long time to come. Once you put it out there, you can’t take it back, so think carefully before you use the internet to broadcast your thoughts and feelings.
This right here shows what a dick he is. He doesn't apologise for it nor seem regretful for having done it AT ALL. He basically twists his wrong doing and turns it back on her, making it about her hurting people for a long time. Except that's not how it works. Viral videos hunt you for years or even decades (like that Star Wars fat guy) but an off-the-cuff comment on Facebook is already buried after a few days or weeks. Plus you can delete it and it's gone. Viral videos you CAN'T DELETE. Someone else will just repost it. Seriously, this guy is a big asshole - no wonder his daughter is like that.Post edited February 11, 2012 by Red_Avatar