infinite9: Says the person whose country has a higher rate of rape than the US.
htown1980: I always find it interesting when people raise this. I don't have the latest statistics, perhaps you do, but:
In 2008, 2009 and 2010 rate per 100,000 population in Australia was 29.7, 29.0, 28.6
In the same period in the USA, the rate was 29.8, 29.0, 27.3.
2008 and 2009 are almost identical (USA being higher). 2010 is still close. Do you have stats from later years?
Do you really think that guns reduce the likelihood of rape? In Australia there is a big problem with sexual assaults being committed inside family units, particularly in regional indigenous communities. I'm not sure how giving everyone guns would assist with that problem.
infinite9: Let me remind you, Switzerland's government arms it's people with rifles and handguns while the UK government let's armed criminals prey upon its citizens.
htown1980: That is not entirely true. In Swizterland, men who are part of the militia (usually aged 20 to 30) are required to keep a gun at home or in the local Zeughaus. After their period of service has ended, they can choose to keep the guns or not. Also, very few units actually have ammunition.
The handgun ownership rate is just over half of that in the US and the firearm ownership rate is about 2/3 that of the US. Admittedly their violent crime rate is very low, but having lived in Switzerland for some time, it doesn't seem to have anything to do with ownership of guns. Maybe your experience is different?
First of which about Australia and rape: If you want further detail, I suggest checking but be warned since they do some mislabeling like calling a gun-related death a "murder with firearm" regardless of context and be also warned since you'd have to do some math on your own to calculate rates and per capita since the website has gotten more messed up as I've been using it.
As for guns helping to prevent rape: Under the laws of Australia, the UK, and Mexico (has stricter gun laws than both the US and Canada); that female motel clerk would have been raped at knife point since the politicians believe that would be a better alternative to adding the death of a fugitive to the statistics of "gun deaths" and "gun homicides."
As for Switzerland, I mentioned it because if someone really wanted to, he could grab his standard issue guns and commit murder but Switzerland has a lower violent crime rate than the US, Russia, and the UK so apparently having physical access to guns and ammo does not make you a murderer or a robber. That's what I was pointing out to people. I was basically say quit blaming inanimate objects other than defective psychiatric drugs and focus on the perpetrator.
infinite9: The term "gun death" and "gun homicide" include cases of criminals getting killed so you can't depend on numbers alone. Also, the numbers are exaggerated. Last time I checked, gun-related death were below 10,000.
Following numbers alone will lead to wrongful conclusions.
iippo: heh, easy to see small difference in our thinking here.
To yours the "bad guys number" is apparently ok (or even good?) - while i personally think that the high figure is huge, whether "good", "bad", accidents or suicides. Its like screaming at me someone is doing something -very- wrong.
"People must be able to carry guns since criminals do not follow weapon carry laws. " Lets just put it this way, i am happy that the gun culture around here is not like the one you have. For both criminals and citizens alike.
...just to make the point, i am not actually all that much against guns. But i am not seeing how guns are making for example USA more safe. I mean like how much more (legal) guns you think you need to lower your crime rate for example? I mean you do seem to think more legal guns should lower crime rate? Or i am just jumping to conclusions?
First of which, federal reports already showed a declining violent crime rate even as private gun sales soared and gun crime rates have actually decline as well. This implies that the legal guns at gun stores are normally not the ones that end up in the wrong hands and perhaps it's time to quit picking on the so called "gun culture." Just because someone respects firearms and sees value in them does not make that person a nutcase or a criminal.
Second, there is no "be all and end all" solution to criminals both violent and not. I am pointing out that letting people legally carry and own weapons is perhaps not a bad idea afterall and perhaps it's time to stop blaming guns and start looking at other things like lousy psychiatric drugs and the actual perpetrators.