orcishgamer: Their prices need to come down. It's hard to justify 8-9 bucks an album. They're competing with free/cheap-skate and while they might not be able to swing 10 cents a song just yet, .80-1 USD per compressed song is pretty out of whack.
Kabuto: I find $0.99 is reasonable for a 320Kbps song especially if you only intend to buy a few songs. However, I see no point in buying a digitally compressed album at $8-$10 bucks. At that point I'm choosing compact disc everytime.
And that's my problem. Sometimes I do want an album, but I don't want another piece of plastic. It's the only way to get FLAC quality, though, and it's often cheaper than the album price for an all digital version.
Digital needs to be cheaper. There was a story of some barely known author the other day laughing is ass off about charging 99 cents for his book. He sells several 100 times as many as he sold at 9.99. People whine about editors and the like being the expensive part of books, not shipping the dead tree with ink on it, but they miss the point that those are flat costs. He makes that up in volume and then some. That russian mp3 store used to charge 3-10 cents per song and had tons of US customers, I think there's precedent for this working, it's just the industry doesn't want it to work.