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Amazingly Awesome Tales to Live By
(Or how to train your dragon[if you HAD one] not to maim you horribly)
A work & title in progress by the members of

Welcome all to the secondary thread for the upcoming "working title" roleplay thought up by me and made by some of the fine folks here at

This is the OOC chat/suggestions/comments/etc thread. You are free(member of the roleplay or no) to leave comments on how the roleplay is going or what you like or dislike about each player's posts and play style(or lack thereof), suggestions as to improvements that could be made(in the setup/storyline/background game info/etc) on current things or future things, and the like.
This is ALSO the roleplay random event thread. (More as follows)

During the roleplay I will write a general storyline chapter/post in the main roleplay thread to begin the main storyline, then other players will write their intro storyline posts in the same thread(showing how they interact with the world and respond to what's going on in it[both main storyline and other player's storylines and characters/NPCs/etc]). Players can/will also react to each other's movements through the world as well, among other things that will become apparent as time goes on.

(Players are free to use this OOC/secondary thread or PMs between each other to collaborate on how their storylines/characters will mix/meet/work with each other.)

As players post their storyline to the main roleplay thread, and I write the main storyline and that of any characters I control, sometimes events will occur/become available to either a player or the whole group/land. One type is random events...these are minor and will basically be of the variety "You come across this situation/dungeon/etc.......would you like to check it out/explore it/take the mission on/etc." Players will get these at random (Players to whom they apply or are initially offered to will be PMd by me about them) depending on what areas they explore/move into or what actions they take as they wander the lands and weave their tale(in the main roleplay thread). If a player declines them(Via PMing me or saying such in this OOC thread.) they disappear(in most cases) and will not be available again to anyone else(usually).

The second type is universal/main storyline events. These are open until a certain condition is met or certain events happen in the main storyline, and are usually open to everyone to try and complete/partake in. These events will be made known in my storyline posts in the main roleplay thread.

Regardless of events type, if a player accepts one(by writing here what event they are accepting or PMing me after finding out about the event.) they will come here(to this thread) at their leisure and we will "battle" it out GM/DM vs. player in a quasi turn based/point based back&forth until the event is over & results are finalized. As a result of any event, a player might gain a bit of info that might be useful to them in their own storyline or the main storyline as it progresses, or some useful item.....who knows what's in store. ;)
Also, the roleplay will begin(after my intial post) in the main roleplay thread(to be created) in around 9 hours or so. Players are invited to write their initial storyline posts/intro story posts after that, and can post in here concerning the game at any time. Also anyone is free to sign up for the game as well, by asking me in here or via PM.

The roleplay itself will be mainly story based and interaction(with other player's storylines and the main storyline[+various encounters as described above]) based, and I do hope everyone enjoys it and has fun with it.

Thank you and good luck/huzzah everyone.....
Excited for it! I've never really been apart of a RP, so I hope I can get the hang of it.
Fantasysci5: Excited for it! I've never really been apart of a RP, so I hope I can get the hang of it.
Well this is going to be story heavy, so it'll be akin(mostly) to several people writing the same book, each adding parts in turn. Like one of those novels where the pov/focus changes from chapter to chapter.
GameRager: Well this is going to be story heavy, so it'll be akin(mostly) to several people writing the same book, each adding parts in turn. Like one of those novels where the pov/focus changes from chapter to chapter.
Oh, I used to moderate one of those! :D
GameRager: Well this is going to be story heavy, so it'll be akin(mostly) to several people writing the same book, each adding parts in turn. Like one of those novels where the pov/focus changes from chapter to chapter.
Runehamster: Oh, I used to moderate one of those! :D
I did too at one point(albeit less kid friendly/more mature), after the old DM/GM of a roleplay I was in quit. Fun times.
Fucking ready.
Rohan15: Fucking ready.
I'm writing the intro post for the main roleplay thread as we speak. It should be done(and up) within an hour or so.
We PM you our response everytime, right GameRager, before we post it in the thread?
Fantasysci5: We PM you our response everytime, right GameRager, before we post it in the thread?
Only to random/personal or universal/game-wide can post your story posts(individual story posts concerning your actions in the world and those of NPCs and players around you & any actions or reactions you take to any main storyline that affects you or your character becomes aware of or is already aware of for some reason.) at any time after the main roleplay thread opens and I have posted the main intro.
Roleplay is LIVE: ENJOY
Exciting! :P Are the undead just near ClagsCreft Fortress, or is it widespread?
Fantasysci5: Exciting! :P Are the undead just near ClagsCreft Fortress, or is it widespread?
For now it seems isolated to that region....we shall see what happens as time goes on. ;)
I'm surprised no one has posted to it yet.......I wonder if I should PM the fact that it's live to everyone involved in person...maybe they missed it?
I'm kind of waiting for someone to take the lead, actually, so I can kind of see what I need to do, since I've never done it before.
I will take the lead, Just finishing some touches