lukaszthegreat: So they get difficult. by reducing time? :( that's annoying more difficult.
Aliasalpha: Reducing time and increasing the complexity. I'm FAIRLY sure the lock tumblers are more sensitive as you go along and by the time you get to the last mission, the average number of circuits in an alarm panel is 7 but a few get to 10
yeah yeah:
just finished rome aka last last city (did: taipei, then moscow, then rome) and some of the locks were pretty hard. alarm ones were extremely difficult sometimes and had to approach them few times before i succeeded (my stats are weak. like five points only)
surprisingly the hacking difficulty didn't rise that much. One computer in CIA HQ in rome gave me troubles as it was superfast.
Dammit. Now I want to replay the game (Moscow, rome and taipei: seems order matters right?)
and can you really bed Sis? I managed to do it to Mina and i guess that chick from rome would be possible too...
Lake too?
still only two causalities on my side. Can't wait to replay it as kill them all guy.