Posted January 17, 2010

Poops Darkmatter
Registered: Aug 2009
From United States

Not Merry
Registered: Sep 2008
From Ireland
Posted January 17, 2010

They will never, ever let the Predator's win. The best you can expect is a score draw like in Predator 2.

Registered: Sep 2008
From Japan
Posted January 17, 2010

what's wrong with just jumping to where you want, like in every other FPS game? Never had a problem jumping to high places in AvP, Jedi Knight, etc...
The big red "jump here" icons just look weird and totally break the immersion.

Not Merry
Registered: Sep 2008
From Ireland
Posted January 17, 2010

The big red "jump here" icons just look weird and totally break the immersion.
Because the Predator can really jump. This thing can jump from branch to branch like a monkey with perfect accuracy. You can't replicate that with simple FPS controls. If they simply allowed the Predator player to jump really high then I could see a lot of insta-deaths happening.

New User
Registered: Dec 2008
From United Kingdom
Posted January 17, 2010
As with most problems like this in games I think having an option you can toggle on and off would solve the problem. Have it so those that want the new jump system that helps you jump can have that and then just have a way to turn it off for those that like the old system.

The 'Fixer'
Registered: Nov 2009
From United States
Posted January 17, 2010
A more manual system of jumping would take extreme mastery to get right, because even chasing someone while trying to get a shot off with the plasmacaster will become a juggle that kills 95% of players at every attempt. PC's have one major disadvantage, and that is the thumbstick that consoles have on their controllers. While it might be harder to aim with those, it is much easier to move. You can control exactly how fast you go in exactly which direction, whereas on PC you have WASD going either generic walk or generic run with the shift button. not accurate as you only have 8 directions to move in sorta like the 3rd Zelda game on SNES.
The automated jumping like a monkey in trees would come naturally in real life and it would be a nightmare on a keyboard or controller, so I think this an attempt to smooth out gameplay so one can focus on the hunt for a trophy more than trying not to fall on your face in a difficult mini-game of hitting spacebar.
The automated jumping like a monkey in trees would come naturally in real life and it would be a nightmare on a keyboard or controller, so I think this an attempt to smooth out gameplay so one can focus on the hunt for a trophy more than trying not to fall on your face in a difficult mini-game of hitting spacebar.

Om nom nom
Registered: Sep 2008
From United States
Posted January 17, 2010

The big red "jump here" icons just look weird and totally break the immersion.
And I'd also like to know how many jumping puzzles you had to keep retrying in AVP2 because you overshot your mark, underestimated it, or just plain missed it entirely. I'd rather have something telling me where to go.
Plus, as far as breaking immersion, how about the fact that your motion tracker is always up and part of your HUD? It's a separate piece of equipment. I would LOVE for them to make it something you have to switch to. It would really increase tension with the marine campaign, and be absolutely essential to teamwork in multiplayer to have one or two marines using a motion tracker and the rest with weapons up.
I think the game is going to be awesome, but I'm not getting it for PC. My couch and HDTV provide a compelling argument for playing me some AvP goodness.

Gaming Since '90
Registered: Sep 2008
From United States
Posted January 17, 2010

I think the game is going to be awesome, but I'm not getting it for PC. My couch and HDTV provide a compelling argument for playing me some AvP goodness.
I remember reading a magazine walkthrough on a Game Boy adaptation of Aliens, where you could hold one item in each hand. If one of them wasn't the motion tracker, you didn't see the usual motion tracker display on the bottom.
As for the last bit...what's stopping you from hooking up your gaming PC to your HDTV? Chances are the PC release will support XInput and thus play just like the X360 version if you have one of the gamepads.

resident feline
Registered: Jun 2009
From Indonesia

Bak'laag Herald
Registered: Aug 2009
From United States
Posted January 17, 2010

The automated jumping like a monkey in trees would come naturally in real life and it would be a nightmare on a keyboard or controller, so I think this an attempt to smooth out gameplay so one can focus on the hunt for a trophy more than trying not to fall on your face in a difficult mini-game of hitting spacebar.
Are there any thumbstick oriented first person platformers that are as deep as DeFRaG?

The 'Fixer'
Registered: Nov 2009
From United States
Posted January 17, 2010

The automated jumping like a monkey in trees would come naturally in real life and it would be a nightmare on a keyboard or controller, so I think this an attempt to smooth out gameplay so one can focus on the hunt for a trophy more than trying not to fall on your face in a difficult mini-game of hitting spacebar.

Are there any thumbstick oriented first person platformers that are as deep as DeFRaG?
I don't see predators shooting at their feet so the recoil of a gun can let them plasma-climb or rocket jump. That game compensates for the inaccuracy of keyboard controls with the precision of the mouse and aiming a gun to bounce yourself around. Won't work in AVP, anyway it's a bit late in the development process for them to change it anyway.

Om nom nom
Registered: Sep 2008
From United States
Posted January 18, 2010

As for the last bit...what's stopping you from hooking up your gaming PC to your HDTV? Chances are the PC release will support XInput and thus play just like the X360 version if you have one of the gamepads.
Because my computer is in another room entirely, and my wife also plays games on the consoles, so if I'm on the PC, she might be watching a movie or playing something. Also, I lack HDMI ports on my video card. That, and to be quite honest, theres not that much of a graphic difference nowadays with multiport games.
I actually didn't have a problem with that. it increased tension and I never once had a problem with it.
That being said, the motion tracker is a hell of alot more useful than the flashlight, and in multiplayer, it should be a stand alone item, just for the sake of fairness. Otherwise, every marine can just find out where the aliens/predators are at all times when they move.
Post edited January 18, 2010 by Wraith

The 'Fixer'
Registered: Nov 2009
From United States
Posted January 18, 2010

When they were developing Aliens Colonial Marines, which was sidestepped temporarily for the new AVP and will be coming out within another year, the devs talked about the HUD-less interface. The only way you could tell how much ammo you had was by lookat at like the LED on the side of a pulse rifle. Only way to aim was by sights or free-aiming with a blank screen. To balance the motion tracker out it took up one hand, so you could only hold a torch or pistol with the motion tracker. That is how I think they intended to balance it out for Aliens: CM but AVP I do not know since there are now 2 races hunting you down.

Om nom nom
Registered: Sep 2008
From United States
Posted January 18, 2010

Well, I know people use the argument of "They are marines, they need all the help they can get", and I think it's bullshit. The Marines get the pulse rifle which can destroy bugs, the Smartgun which can track enemies and send a hail of bullets directly for center mass every time, the SADAR, which is insanely powerful against Predators, as well as the minigun and grenade launcher. And lets not forget our favorite flamethrower, the bane of Aliens existence.
When I used to play Aliens Online (Awesome game, GOG should get it and throw up dedicated a server for it), the marines had to switch between the motion tracker and their primary weapon every time. It really added to the suspense of playing the marine, and if you had one with a smartgun, they were practically unstoppable.
I just think having a motion tracker and some of their weapons adds a little bit of unfairness to their gameplay, specifically in multi.
This is what you would normally see while playing (Map shows only your units)
This is what you would have to do to use the MT (Obviously it wouldn't be fullscreen nowadays.
Post edited January 18, 2010 by Wraith

Registered: Sep 2008
From Canada
Posted January 18, 2010
Thanks captfitz, got a lot of helpful tips like actually getting the resolutions all fixed up and climbing walls. Mostly because I couldn't be bothered to check the manual and the shithole that is the Steam forums.