michaelleung: That game we had just now was insane. Like, HOLY FUCK I BLEW SHIT UP insane. We didn't have any plan, just randomly clicking on the screen until stuff died. And lukaszthegreat was the almighty Predator who kept killing the Marines instead of the damn aliens.
And I had the SADAR.
So let's do that again next week! And again and again, until we get bored!
Until next time, I'll just hit up TF2.
Also, I seem to be getting complaints (OK, just one) about having the same map, Elevator. I'm thinking of doing map rotate but since multiplayer's a work in progress you can't do that. I'll just hit up a new map each session or something.
I can confirm that it was awesome.
I suck at the game though. Especially seem to have a weakness for predators. I kept hearing "slash-slash' and then I died. Can't wait till next time XD