FlintlockJazz: Yet further evidence that reviewers are not trustworthy, especially those from Gamespot...
Alice was a great game, got a copy arrive today so I could play it again, still as good as I remember it.
Tantrix: Have you got an answer from the mods about your question?
Also, I found a statement from Mcgee aabout DRM and DLC:
http://www.americanmcgee.com/forum/index.php?topic=1869.msg119357#msg119357 His experience in China kinda convinced him to switch to DRM and take the DLC-policy which is a shame 8/
This is such a load of bullcrap. I'm supposed to believe that only the top 10 games of last year made any money when the gaming industry outsold Hollywood (and has for a couple years). Yeah right!
DRM is not a necessary evil, especially when you have a rabid fanbase ready to support you that's had 10 years to grow up and increase their amount of disposable income.
The Humble Indie Bundle made money, Gratuitous Space Battles made money, and retail Torchlight made money. All of this happened last year.
DLC is not re-inventing much, it's a smaller expansion pack. Of course, in the old days some devs would give you that much content for free. I guess those days are dead.
Boxed retail games are the way to go, taking away my games is BS. Online auth is BS.
Great, one of the gaming legends doesn't "get it" or is so self centered he's willing to feed us a line of bull for his own benefit. This is one of my sad gamer days:(