Aliasalpha: The 2 standards are not interoperable, 11a runs in the 5ghz band and 11b/g/n run in the 2.4ghz band and you can't have a NIC that just jumps between them, you have to have 2 seperate units in one.
Also you're not FORCED to buy the wireless adapter, you can use the superior medium of cable and save yourself money in the process. I'm not saying you're forced to USE the wireless in the PS3 but that there's no option to not PAY for it
I know how the wireless standards work, but no one is screaming to high heaven that PC wireless adapters should cost more and be all-encompassing. Instead of coming out with two cheaper models of wireless adapters, there's one model that's ludicrously expensive.
Even so, the option to choose whether or not to use wireless connection would be the one saving grace on MS's part in this, apart from the whole pay-to-play-online and charging unreasonable amounts of money for hard drives. And even then, you're charged $99 for the glorious wireless option if you do decide that you want/need it.
I fail to see these as positives on MS's part.