pi4t: *Winces*
I'm officially downgrading gold pieces to silver pieces, by the DND standard :)
Deal. Are there any other special things I should consider bringing to Den Sile, given its terrain, etc. I'm finding it hard to tell from the map.
If you have the geography skill, remind me and I can make a roll for that.
Based on the poor map you have, though, you should be good to go. It looks like an abandoned settlement in a grass field. There are hills to the west, but you won't necessarily have to go there.
You will have to trek through a forest (or otherwise bypass it), but that shouldn't be too much of a challenge.
Upgrading the character sheet to reflect your purchases.
Oh, I suppose you might want to grab some type of weapon just in case? But that's up to you.
is there anything you would like to purchase before we set off? I can't give you a list of items at the moment, but if anything strikes you, let me know.