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This quest was designed for drennan and pi4t. For further information, visit the MAIN THREAD of our game.

Job: Go to Den Sile and find a scroll or set of scrolls bearing this symbol: the body of a man with the head of a lion. Return them to me in Jithan. Find me at the docks. I will be on board the ship “Prudential."

Warning: My client is a man of great repute. Though I shall not reveal his name, your work may still be traced back to him. Therefore, while under his employ, be judicious in the use of force. Avoid harming humanoids when possible.

Reward: You will each be paid a sum of 500 gold for your expenses on this expedition and enough food and water rations to make the round trip journey. Upon safe return of the document or documents, you will be provided with a reward that will most surely match your expectations.

Further jobs available, should you complete this one to our satisfaction.

Kind regards,

Post edited January 05, 2013 by stoicsentry
Slightly nervously, Chalael walks up to the docks. Quickly sneaking a glance at the docking list, he's able to identify which dock the Prudential is at, and slips aboard*. Moving rather quickly away from the edge, he looks around for anyone likely to be 'C.E.' Seeing no one obvious, he decides on the direct approach, and asks the nearest person on board**: 'I'm looking for someone who goes by the name of 'C.E.'. Do you know where he is?'

*Stealth is being used, here, FYI
**I'm assuming there are at least a few sailors here.
Post edited January 06, 2013 by pi4t
Turning around to face Chalael, Drennan says, "I have no idea, friend, but I'm looking for him myself. Why don't we look together?"
(OOC: Nice reply, I got a laugh out of that!)

Chalael looks at the man he tapped on the shoulder, startled briefly. He recovers himself fast, though, and tries to pretend it never happened.

'Oh, it's you. The person from last night, in the tavern. I take it, then, that you also received a letter as I did?'
'Indeed I did', Drennan nods. 'The job sounds easy enough -- a bit too easy, in fact. I get the feeling a couple of details had been carefully omitted in the letter we got. And to give us 500 gold in advance! This mysterious client either has a lot of money to throw away or sufficient power to track you down should you try to make off with the advance fee.' Drennan smirks. '…not implying either of us would consider doing that, of course', he adds hastily.
'Not really. Apparently these Eastern lands have suffered a great drop in the value of gold. It cost me 175 of my own gold to buy a few basic supplies for the journey!

Anyway, the letter said he'd meet us here, so I guess we wait for him to turn up.

I must admit, I would be impressed if he were to succeed in tracking me down, though. Not that I plan to run off, naturally. I'm not a common thief. Besides, the 'reward that will most surely match your satisfaction' interests me.'
Post edited January 06, 2013 by pi4t
<Die roll for Stealth was used>

You are quickly discovered while boarding the ship, but the crew seems amicable enough. A burly young guard wielding a halberd nearly twice his height ushers you down a short flight of stairs into a small cabin, lit dimly with a single candle.

"Boss," the guard says, "two men to see you."

There is a man standing at the far end of the cabin, facing the wall. He is clad in a flowing golden robe.

He speaks to the guard, "remain with us." The guard grunts his approval.

Speaking to you now, he says, "How can I help you?"

His back is still facing you. He has not turned around to greet you.
Post edited January 06, 2013 by stoicsentry
'We got your letter.'

Chalael pauses, looking a little concerned.

You are 'C.E.', I assume?'
He replies:

"I am the man you are looking for. You have your initial payment, do you not?"

"Time is of the utmost. I must advise you to be underway, unless there is anything further?
"As you are probably well aware, Sir," Drennan says, "We are not from around here. Could you please tell us a little more about Den Sile and what we should prepare for?"

To DM: I'm trying to read his body language/changes in tone/etc. using my psychology skill to see if his answer is truthful or not.
'I'm afraid there is. I prefer to know a little more about my employers before I set out on a quest for them. What these scrolls are, and why you want them, for instance. Also, why is 'time of the utmost'. Your letter didn't convey a particular sense of urgency. I don't mean to be unduly nosy, but I have...had one or two bad experiences in the past with this kind of thing.'

(Making a Charisma roll to try to convince him to tell me more.)
Post edited January 06, 2013 by pi4t
drennan: "As you are probably well aware, Sir," Drennan says, "We are not from around here. Could you please tell us a little more about Den Sile and what we should prepare for?"
He says, "There's really not much *to* say. The settlement has been abandoned for fifty years, it was destroyed in a war with Hammerhall. I suspect that you may encounter other treasure hunters, but it is unlikely that they are seeking the documents we are looking for."

drennan: To DM: I'm trying to read his body language/changes in tone/etc. using my psychology skill to see if his answer is truthful or not.
<Psychology: you couldn't get a good read on him, especially because his back was facing you. However, nothing in his tone of voice or speech patterns is suspicious to you>
(Er...What about my post?)
pi4t: 'I'm afraid there is. I prefer to know a little more about my employers before I set out on a quest for them. What these scrolls are, and why you want them, for instance. Also, why is 'time of the utmost'. Your letter didn't convey a particular sense of urgency. I don't mean to be unduly nosy, but I have...had one or two bad experiences in the past with this kind of thing.'

(Making a Charisma roll to try to convince him to tell me more.)
<Roll was made for Charisma>

"As I told your friend, I don't have much more to add."

"However," [under the influence of your charisma], "I can tell you that my name is Cinder Eterias and that my client is a merchant. As to my character, you may ask around the docks here in Jithan. I am a man of my word..."

"To address the matter of time, as I have told your companion... you may encounter other treasure hunters in this area. We are concerned that the scroll or scrolls in question may be confiscated by others. I assure you that they are of personal value to my client alone. They have little value on the market. If you doubt me, obtain them and try to sell them for more than a loincloth and see how far that gets you... then you will see that I am a man of my word."
pi4t: (Er...What about my post?)
OOC: My fingers can't type *that* fast.. lol
Post edited January 06, 2013 by stoicsentry
'Very well. You mentioned food and supplies, along with a little money for expenses...'

Assuming this is sorted quickly enough, Chalael turns to go, pausing at the door.

'By the way, was there any specific reason you sent us two the letter, rather than other people?'

(OOC: Sorry, I imagined you'd do it all in one post, and was worried that you might have started typing your post when Drennan posted and not realised I'd made a post in the meantime)
Post edited January 06, 2013 by pi4t