Nel-A: Kemuel steps forward and tries to use his appeal to noblemen skill.
"Hello, sir. I am Kemuel, Knight of the Legion of the Shield. My esteemed brethren here are Lucas Avarade and Exile, both the best of their kinds.
"Please what may me we call you, and unless I am mistaken, is that not the Crystal Rock of Endirum? If so may I enquire how you came to be in it's possession sir?
"Ah, Kemuel, I don't believe we have met. Not that we would have any occasion to do so, of course," he laughs nervously.
"I hope you will understand, but I cannot divulge my name. It was part of the terms of the deal that I made with your guild."
"'I've just come into possession of this item," he says, "I do not know what it is called, but it is... interesting. Would you like to have a look at it, Kemuel?"
Landeril: Exile nods at his comrades words "Exile of the Shadow Knights, once known as the Deep Shadow of The Thieves guild"
"Interesting," the Vasar says, "So the great Exile was once himself associated with the sinister Blue Hand? This is new to me...."
"Oh, forgive my mind for wandering, I have heard your name before and did not know of your past."
MrWilli: "Lucas Avarade, freelance kinght," Lucas responds afte Exile.
"Greetings, freelance Knight," he responds, "would you like the details of the man you are to capture?"