Vasar 2 took 14 damage.
Exile: 46/53 (Arcane Brilliance: 5 turns of magic at double power)
Lucas: 57/57
Kemuel: 62/62
Gobbler: 17/59
Vasar 1: 28/50
Vasar 2: 09/50
Vasar 1 used Whirlwind. 3 damage to Exile. 4 damage to Lucas. 2 damage to Kemuel.
Vasar 2 stabbed at Gobbler with his dagger, she suffers 13 more damage.
Exile: 43/53 (Arcane Brilliance: 4 turns of magic at double power)
Lucas: 53/57
Kemuel: 60/62
Gobbler: 04/59
Vasar 1: 28/50
Vasar 2: 09/50
New round of combat: Exile, Lucas and Kemuel may all take a turn.