pazzer: OOC: How come Milk got Art's potion?
OOC: It has been our custom to let teammates grab potions upon death. No reason why, really. Just been the way we've done it.
It probably would be logical to make it so that either it's unavailable OR, it's laying on the floor and whoever moves there can grab it.
But, as this is the third of a best on three, I'll stick with the way we have done it so far.
Question: Which would you all prefer for the future: keep it as is, let potions drop where the character died, or make them unavailable to be picked up?
Edit: The more I think about that, the less logical it seems. What happened in Wanderers vs. Blue Team game 1 of 3 was that someone asked, "As I'm dying, can I throw X potion towards Y character?"
And, being new to trying this whole thing, I said, "sure, why not?"
In retrospect, this is almost certainly something to be changed. The rules make no provision for it, anywhere.
Nevertheless, in the spirit of keeping the rules roughly uniform throughout the best of 3, I'm not going to alter it for the current game. If it's desired for next time, absolutely.