tomimt: We'll see then. I put it on dl as I am an old Howard fan after all. Tough being a Tolkien fan didn't safe me from the disappointment of LOTRO.
enterprise2004: If you're a Howard fan you'll love the scenery. They did a great job of making the world reflect the original stories.
Agreed, even better than what John Milius or that hack Marcus Nispel could ever envision. IMO. Apart from it being an MMO and therefore creating a breeding ground for fuckwits, my other problem with the setting is the liberal use of magic, which in Howard's Conan is sparsely used, more mystical and better associated with black magic as we know from contemporary stereotypes than Harry Potter-ish abracadabra-hocus pocus. Other than that, FC really did a good job with the pseudo-ancient Europe and Nordic feel. Tortage is how I really envisioned the Barachan Isles to be like (cue emoragequit for bringing Strom to life after The Black Stranger xD)
I'm somewhat lukewarm to the actual game itself though, but I'm still considering re-subbing just to re-experience Hyboria, and of course it being F2P is a bigger incentive.