Posted June 09, 2011
The ones I remember recently are:
*The Witcher 1 for more places than I care to list here. ^_^
*LOTRO, especially Gollum's lair. Good lord Turbine hit a bull's eye with this one. Oh, and the boreal auroras over the Forochel are pretty neat too
*Mass Effect 2, especially its last DLC, when you have to find your way on the *Shadowbroker's ship. I actually stopped several times just to watch the amazing scenery. *Mass Effect 1 also did a pretty good job with its free DLC: being on an asteroid on its collision course with a planet, being just next to the gargantuan jet engines that push the asteroid, that was something...
For older games, hmm, let's see...
*Might & Magic VI: you arrive in New Sorpigal and... that's basically all. realizing that there's a whole world to discover beyond that little town was pretty amazing.
*Ultima Underworld 1: it was so amazing back then that the impression lasted until today. And when I launched the GOG version, I was soo happy the impression was still there I had to squee like a girl! ^_^
*Valkyrie Profile on PS1: the only import game I ever bought, I basically had to sell an arm to buy it, but I never regreted it. Everything in that game is perfect.
*Zelda a Link to the past on SNES: do I really need to say why?
*Zelda Wind Waker on GC was beautiful too. I know many people didn't like the cellshading effect, but I just loved it.
*The Witcher 1 for more places than I care to list here. ^_^
*LOTRO, especially Gollum's lair. Good lord Turbine hit a bull's eye with this one. Oh, and the boreal auroras over the Forochel are pretty neat too
*Mass Effect 2, especially its last DLC, when you have to find your way on the *Shadowbroker's ship. I actually stopped several times just to watch the amazing scenery. *Mass Effect 1 also did a pretty good job with its free DLC: being on an asteroid on its collision course with a planet, being just next to the gargantuan jet engines that push the asteroid, that was something...
For older games, hmm, let's see...
*Might & Magic VI: you arrive in New Sorpigal and... that's basically all. realizing that there's a whole world to discover beyond that little town was pretty amazing.
*Ultima Underworld 1: it was so amazing back then that the impression lasted until today. And when I launched the GOG version, I was soo happy the impression was still there I had to squee like a girl! ^_^
*Valkyrie Profile on PS1: the only import game I ever bought, I basically had to sell an arm to buy it, but I never regreted it. Everything in that game is perfect.
*Zelda a Link to the past on SNES: do I really need to say why?
*Zelda Wind Waker on GC was beautiful too. I know many people didn't like the cellshading effect, but I just loved it.