wpegg: If you didn't want it, why did you apply for it?
grainne6: Because I was getting depressed about not getting a job I wanted so I applied for a job I knew I'd get even though I didn't really want it
I know the feeling, but in the end if you would not be happy there you really need to make a personal judgement call.
I agree with wpegg that it is nice to be earning your own money, and I would **personally** take a job with 1~2 thousand less a year under the right circumstances as I have no money left after a rough couple of years and buying a house with family having to help us out.
I am also looking for work and choose to stay in a job where my boss reminds me everyday that he is just waiting for me to jump ship. Because right now I need the money and I want to go to an equally decent to better job.
I am a qualified IT consultant (who is not these days), and I stack shelves for a living. Seriously, goods come in and I am not entrusted to even check the deliveries are correct. I just put things onto the shelves.
Like you I was once able to tell others how to do things as a supervisor and a few people where I work trust my judgment calls, but now I am the bottom of the pile, with no up. I have been passed over several times while working here, and it just goes on.
In my situation and my personal ability to put up with shit I am coping, but would you really want to be in that situation?