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Frankly, we've got so many threads now that it's getting difficult. Therefore, this one will serve as the main "hub", I encourage you to favorite this one over the others, because I'll post links to all the important ones here for your convenience.

This thread will also serve as the main discussion board for anything you want to talk about in the game, no matter what. Rival teams can even feel free to antagonize each other here, in character, if that's your thing.

Finally, I'll also be posting my "queue" of intended changes here, stuff I'm looking to add, remove or tweak. That will allow for public comment on each of the proposed modifications. It will also allow for you to offer any suggestions or feedback you might have. I value your feedback very much, the game is about all of you.

Without further ado, here are the links:


Adventures in Vue Blog


Level Up Discussion (For when your character increases in level)
AiV Store
Now Recruiting (For those that are interested in joining the game)

Current Games

1. The Bazaar of Dreams
2. The Empty Cell

Finished Games

1. The Nog and the Brigade: Double Jeopardy
2. Adventures in Vue, pt. 2

(Other threads that I cannot find)

Current things in the "to be added/changed/removed queue"

1. Add: team hideouts and fortresses
2. Add: special rooms in hideouts/fortresses to offer specific benefits
3. Add: more class specific items in store
4. Add: totems for the Shaman in store
5. Add: weapon proficiency
6. Change: make melee combat more effective than it currently is
7. Add: level 5 specializations
8. Change: slow down ability to gain levels after 5th level
9. Add: ability to invade/defend team hideouts/fortresses
10. Add: new team: Cobra Division
11. Add: expand current rosters to make them more flexible
12: Add: new races
13. Remove: class weapon modifiers, replace with: class-specific weapon proficiencies
14. Change: make carrying multiple weapons more beneficial
15. Add: familiars (possibly)
16. Add: hirelings/mercenaries (possibly)
17. Change: make storyline more intertwining between teams
18. Create: new, varied, challenging and non-repetitive quests
19. Change: make factors other than combat important (swimming, climbing, communicating, etc.)
20. Add: very small penalty for losing a quest/battle, to keep things interesting.
21. Add: more coherent level up process
22. Add: effects from locations on maps
23. Seek: input on potential character modifications. How would you like to customize your characters more?
24. Add: crafting
25. Add: store items: gems
26. Add: new armor, weapons and other items to store.
27. Add: team specific "super" abilities.
28. Add: dual-wielding capabilities.
29. Change: Gold removed from character sheets, now kept track of solely in the store.
30. News: Landeril and I are working on something for the long term, stay tuned!
31. Change: I changed level 1 characters. From now on, level 1 characters will start with randomly selected skill/spell uses (6 for Mage, 4 for Rogue, 2 for Warrior). This is to ease their introduction into the game.
Post edited June 30, 2011 by stoicsentry
That is getting huge! What about making the list of the players who ever participated in Adventures in Vue?
fexen: That is getting huge! What about making the list of the players who ever participated in Adventures in Vue?
I have that on the blog, but if you think I should add it to the top post in this thread then I will do so.
I, too, would recommend a thread with all of our character sheets for easy access.
swizzle66: I, too, would recommend a thread with all of our character sheets for easy access.
Oh, you think I should make a separate thread with all of the rosters and a link to each character sheet on the blog?

Or are you saying there should be a separate forum thread for each character, where I can update his/her character right here on the forums?
Probably just one thread with a link to all of our character sheets + rosters. We can discuss the intricacies of each character (skills, items) in their respective threads. A thread for each character would just take up space.
swizzle66: Probably just one thread with a link to all of our character sheets + rosters. We can discuss the intricacies of each character (skills, items) in their respective threads. A thread for each character would just take up space.
Agreed. I'll do that then.
One thing I was looking at in concern with weapons specifically is this.

Melee vs Ranged;

As it stands right now it's somewhat confusing. A long sword has the same range as a short bow, and a sling has just as much range as a long bow?

My suggestion is this;

Longbow vs Short Bow vs Sling vs Darts

Longbow, Short Bow and Sling all have a range of 3
Darts with a range of 2.

Longbow -1 damage, -15% dodge modifier, range 3
Short bow -2 damage, -10% dodge modifier, range 3
Sling -2 damage, No dodge modifier, range 3
Darts -0 damage, No dodge modifier, range 2

What this does is keeps the bows at a distinct advantage over slings and darts in damage dealing, yet the slings and darts have a defensive advantage due to them being 1-hand weapons and able to equip a light shield as well. Additionally it helps with the range issues without pushing them past the 3 range mark.

As for melee;

I personally don't think any melee weapon should have a range above 1, but they should be more powerful than melee. The longsword should be dropped to range 1 but add a -15% block modifier to it and give it a +2 damage modifier. This puts it behind the mace in raw damage, but more likely to do damge. The Quarterstaff, dagger, shortsword and mace seem good as is, but with the proficiencies perhaps should add additional damage to them. The other option is to give an across the board +1 damage to all melee weapons.
Maybe just shortbow should have same damage as longbow, the only difference would be the range?
I just wanted to say for now, that I have seen both of your suggestions and each of them make a great deal of sense to me. There are certain things that I've completely tripped up on here, and they are now clearer in retrospect.

I could write a long response but instead I will begin working on potential changes for the next set of games (after these). When I've finished the changes I will post them and we'll put it up for discussion/voting.
Can we trade unused potions from the last battle? Sly had 25HP one and Exile had 10HP one.
fexen: Can we trade unused potions from the last battle? Sly had 25HP one and Exile had 10HP one.
But won't they want those in their next battles?
I was wrong, Milkman had the 25HP potion when the battle ended and Sly had 2 5HP minor potions created by my ability. That means that Milkman should still have the potion in his inventory. Anyway the ability to transfer unused potions, if the person who is currently holding the potion, should be a nice thing.
I am going to suggest a Mage Warrior subclass for the warrior. A Warrior with limited use of basic mage spells. A Shadow Knight to match an opposing Healer/Buffer?

And For Mage. Why not have Elementalist? You can use a Conjure Elemental Spell for each element.

As a second option you could use Conjurer. Summon allies to aid you in battle.
Landeril: I am going to suggest a Mage Warrior subclass for the warrior. A Warrior with limited use of basic mage spells. A Shadow Knight to match an opposing Healer/Buffer?

And For Mage. Why not have Elementalist? You can use a Conjure Elemental Spell for each element.

As a second option you could use Conjurer. Summon allies to aid you in battle.
Those classes sound cool, however they also seem really hard to balance, especially the ones that can summon.