A_Future_Pilot: I'm a Christian. (In actual belief not just in the "I go to church on Sundays" kind of way)
So it seems that the link I gave at the first page may actually have been a good idea. Take a look at the site - Matt knows what he is talking about because he has been there and got out of it.
You are getting quite a few atheistic answers, claiming that your problem is not problem at all. I will try to provide a Christian answer, with much less popular views. But that's the only honest answer that I can give. Please forgive me that this post will be more theological than practical.
I'll try to keep it general, but knowing your denomination may help with some specific steps.
Before I get labelled as "holier than thou" preacher - I am not saint, never was and never will be. Not even remotely close. Every man is a sinner and there is no escaping it. But the fact that I'm aware of my weaknesses doesn't mean that I should accept them. On a question whether I do have a problem with pornography and masturbation I have to honestly answer: yes. But over time I was able to reduce it from 4-5 times a week to once in 2-3 months. And I know it is not good enough and I'm still not strong enough to live in full celibacy. But that's my goal - to ultimately root out the entire problem (and as long as it exists even in the slightest form I will continue to call it a problem). And I know that goal is possible and one of my falls will be the last one.
Second -
every sin can be forgiven no matter how grave or frequent it is (Just look at St Augustine's youth :p). But it cannot be taken for granted because there are a few important conditions. The hardest in my opinion are - feeling sorry for the sin and a will to improve. Since you are asking for help, I get the impression that you can put a check next to them. Your conscience is a wonderful thing - it's hard wired in you for a reason. If a properly formed conscience "hurts", it does so only to set you on a right path, just like a toothache is a suggestion that you should visit a dentist.
Finally - you seam to realise that pornography and masturbation are sins. But I have to ask you - do you know
why they are sins? For a long time I was deceiving myself with popular phrases like "everybody's doing it" and "I am not hurting anybody". I had to do some research on the underlying logic to realise that I actually was hurting someone rather important in my life - myself.
Please think of this post as a few words from someone who is on the same path as you, perhaps just a step or two ahead. :)
If you wish we can continue this conversation via PM. Either way - you will be in my prayers
God bless.