Scribe81: And though I feel your scorn in your words, I would not wish you to become addicted to anything in your life.
garrus74: Wait, aren't we all technically gaming addicts here to some extent? :0
Enjoy gaming? Yes. Hobbyists? Yes. Addicted? Well, probably not. I think a fair few of us just substitute tv, books, films or even music with games.
Playing daily for 2-3 hours does bot seem addictive behaviour to me, since the time left for RL pursuits or people (or job) is plenty and you can have a well rounded life.
Now if I abused all of that and scrounged of the state whilst glued to my console/pc for hours and hours hours daily, then I could be seen as addictive. Yep, this example is extreme, but let's put it this way: if you feel that you enjoy life's different aspects and features, having no real reason to worry that you are abusing a much needed person(s), not feeling depressed or angry at yourself for neglecting necessary responsiblites, then I'd say you have a great hobby in gaming.
But addiction or level of addiction is a massively subjective issue. What I described above probably doesn't apply to anyone else on here. Like with every hobby, your own made balance is they key.