I'm also a completionist, but achievements don't cause me to play extra.
For lego pirates, I have completed the game to 100%. That means at a minimum of 2 playthroughs of every level in the game and in many cases a third playthrough pending if I found everything on the second.
After (almost) 3 full playthroughs to get to 100% I still have achievements unlocked. IMHO, this is a bad implementation of achievements and I don't care to ever unlock those.
For LA Noire I unlocked 99% of the achievements. The one remaining unlocked trophy is to kill 2 guys before they get out of their cars on a specific mission. After 25+ tries I realized this will never, EVER happen. While I don't doubt that some very patient (more likely, LUCKY) people have unlocked this, I consider it a bugged achievement based on how the mechanic plays out. Regardless, I don't find it sensible to keep trying (anymore than I already did). What bothers me about this one is that the rest of the game had a sense of logic behind the other achievements. Playing the game, over time, allowed for the rest of the stuff to be unlocked. This ONE single trophy is gated behind extremely poor design flaws.
The last one I'll mention is Drakes' Fortune. I beat the game and I think I've unlocked roughly 17% of the trophies. While I love that game, I have no desire to go back through and intentionally focus on killing 5 guys at a time with a single grenade, or dangling from a cliff to get kills even when I don't need to for normal gameplay.
In short, I enjoy earning sensible trophies. I don't mind grindy trophies. I loathe trophies gated behind twitch/luck based mechanics. (I typically ignore the last two).