Osama_bin_Laden: Has it got teenage romances and awkward moments?
Not really, character interactions in the game are pretty limited (for the same reason as in Skyrim for instance, it's a sandbox game, not one focused on characters) , and there's no potential romance, only friendships.
Basically it's a combination of time management and text adventures (although the text adventures are mostly optional, you don't actually have to complete any), but it's much more open than any other game in those genres.
The only thing you need to do is study the class subjects you chose enough to pass the final exams, which isn't hard and shouldn't take much of your time.
Other than that you can spend your time however you want, and believe me when I say there's much more to do in the game than you could ever do in a single playthrough.
In fact, I've played the game 5 times (with different characters focused on different things), and I've barely done a third of the text adventures the game has to offer.